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it was 3:35 so you started getting ready and you while you were getting ready you can feel and see the baby bump so much  

 then it was time to leave so you got your keys and left to pick them up ( not MATTIA )

once you picked them up you head to the beach to meet up with mattia and someone and Alex and Marc said they were almost there 

you got to the beach and you saw Alex and Marc and you ran to them and hug them and you turn around and see everyone confused 

y/n : oh guys this is Alex and Marc  and alex  and marc  this is charlie ,aliz ,  Alvaro ,ale , kairi, Roshaun and we have one more but he is not here wet 

they all say hi and you guys start heading to the water  you and the girls take your clothes off because your bathing suits are under and when you guys are done you see everyone looking 

you & the girls : WHAT 

boys : nothing 

 you and the girls : okay lets get in the water 

before you  guys get in the water you see mattia and  girl  they come walking to you 

mattia : this is Cynthia m-

 Cynthia: his girlfriend 

you all said hi but when you heard girl friend your heat broke 

you guys get in the water and you see Cynthia giving you a dirty look but you ignore it an have fun  2 hours later  you  guys get out and talk then kairi ask how the baby is 

kairi : hey y/n hows the baby 

everyone : yeah how is the baby 

y/n : guys the baby i fine 

everyone - okay 

 charlie - when is your first appointment?

y/n - tomorrow so i won't go to school  you and aliz can come if you want 

charlie & aliz : of course we are coming 

y/n: okay the appointment is at 10 so be ready by 8:30 

the girl : okay 

kairi : can i come 

y/n : um sure 

ale : me too 

y/n : okay 

it started getting late so you guys left you dropped everyone home and you and the girls went to home and took showers and went to sleep 


One Night Stand _-_-_-_ mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now