josh ricahrds - dm's pt.2

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hey i've just written a new story it's called online and it's a bryce hall story. so yeah you could check it out ❤️❤️

you snuck out your window and saw josh. he ran up and hugged you and then you got in the car and headed to sway la

back to the story:
as you arrived you saw the large house.
you suddenly got really nervous so many thoughts went through your head like: will they like me , they will hate me won't they, they will kick me out , will they let me stay , will they accept me

josh went round your side and opened the door. he saw how nervous you were and held your hand and lead you to the door. you started to shake as you got closer

J: hey it's gonna be fine they'll like you
Y: but what if they don't and kick me out i'll have to live on the streets an-
J: Y/N i promise you they will

josh pushed opened the door still holding your hand. he lead you to the living room to meet some of the boys. as you entered the room you saw bryce anthony and kio play smash bros

J: *cough* so guys this is Y/N
Y: h-hi-i
A: hey Y/N welcome to sway
Y: thanks
k: hey i'm kio and welcome
Y: hey i already knew who you were but thanks
B: hi i'm bryce you probably already know me i'm the coolest here so welcome to the sway
Y: hahah hi and thank you
J:i'm gonna take Y/N to the guest room

josh holds your hand as you both walk up the round stairs towards the bedrooms. he stops at the last door of the hallway and opens the door. it a large empty room with a king sized bed but you didn't mind

Y: are you sure i can stay here, do you want me to pay rent or something like that
J: no no no no it's fine you needed somewhere to stay so i let you
Y: thanks josh i'll only stay here a bit i won't bother you
J:Y/N it's fine you can stau here as long as you like maybe even live here.
Y: maybe...
J:anyways i'll leave you to unpack come down when your done

you started to unpack it didn't take you long since you didn't have much. you went down stairs and you saw 4 girls and all the boys. the girls ran up and hugged you and you of course hugged back

as they got of you they introduced themselves. olivia,mads,avani,dixie and addison. they took your arm and pulled you up to your room. as you say on your bed and told them about yourself

you told them about your parents and everything else you told josh. you really trusted these girls yet you only just met them but you knew you guys were gonna be besties

they told you about themselves and there bf's. they also mentioned another girl called nessa and apparently she is a right bitch.( no hate)you girls finished talking and went back down to watch a movie with the boys

all the couples were snuggled up on the sofa so you went to go sit next to josh but he was with nessa who was all over him. instead you sat on the floor infront of quinton

you were sat there whilst quinton was playing with you hair when you felt like you were being watched you looked over and saw josh looking at you. you smiled and he smiled back you then turned back to the movie

you didn't realise but you had dozed off. you felt yourself being picked up by someone and being put down in your bed. they then left and went to theirs. you then went into a deep sleep.

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