{Chapter 1}

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the school closed, and there wasnt any space for the left overs in another school. they had to move to Hope's Peak Academy since they had a talent and it was the only school near. Yashiro was late as always, but came inside, for a reason there was no one there and she decided to search more. She took her first steps then started to get dizzy.... She got knocked out. After 10 minutes she woke up in a weird classroom and saw a note saying, Come to the gym at 8 AM. She saw the clock.. IT WAS 8:25! SHe was latE. She went to the gym and meet up with everyone else. there was atleast 15 people there including her. She didnt know anyone for a reason... '' didnt they go to the same school as me...?" ... I introduced myself, while others did aswell. an UGLY, DISQUSTING but cute bear showed up. he said he was the head master, while i couldnt hold my laugh. ''ppft-you are a teddybear, u cant be the headmaster." -i said... he got MAD and started shouting at me that he is not a teddybear. When this ended he started to say why we are here and what we do. Everyone was shocked. I couldnt kill anyone... What am i gonna do? Am i gonna die?... Theres so much in my mind, i decided to better spend some time with them. Then this guy named natsahruko?? natsyruko? Natsuhiko!! yes him he said "We better tell our talents! It will be better for us to get to know each other more.!" he looked at me and asked "What is your talent m'lady?" i froze. What was my talent again... i was too freaked out with this i completely forgot! was it cooking? gardening? 

 i was too freaked out with this i completely forgot! was it cooking? gardening? 

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i cant remember... some seconds passed while i was frozen "are you okay-"-he asked. I jumped and said "y-YEa!" then he asked again. I answered honestly that i couldnt remember my talent and i heard someone trying to hold their laugh... I was so embarassed!

We got to know each other more and decided to all eat breakfast,dinner and lunch together. Why cant i remember anyone... we were going to the same school right? i never saw them there tho...

{Time Skip}

Every day we got to know each other better. Till it was the 4th day. Monoghost wanted to meet us in the gym for another announcement. While we all arrived, he finally showed up. ''Hello everyone!!! I'ts good to see that you lazy disqusting things are finally here." -silence...- "Anyways!! I'm so bored no one killed someone yet... Soooooooo... If someone doesnt kill anyone till tommorow 7 AM... Then... All the food will be replaced with human organs for 3 days! Nye-heh-hee! Am i a bit too... harsh? HA! you thought! I dont care. Just make sure someone DIES! I love violence, ahh~.." tsukasa drooling sounds for human organs

[Credits to VampUwU]

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