{Chapter 4}

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|Team 1|
Natsuhiko: Are we gonna search or what?
Mitsuba: ugh, Super-Ultimate-Lame UwU Die can't you just go by yourself? I'm busy here trying to avoid investigating.
Sakura: Why are we a team again, i prefer being with this stupid guy than you.
Natsuhiko: hEy- Atleast u prefer me~ :)
Mitsuba: OMG Super-Ultimate-Lame BookWorm You are too ugly to even be here so u better be happy you have a cute person with you.
Sakura: K. im going
Natsuhiko: wAIT! Don' leave me here with this "Thing"
Sakura: KK, just follow.
Mitsuba: Its not like i needed you Super-Ultimate-Lame ass people, Hmph.
|Team 2|

Yashiro: What are we gonna do!! Are we gonna die?! -cries-
Hanako: Calm down, its gonna be okay alright? We gotta investigate and make sure we get the murder right.
Yashiro: Even if we get him right, hes gonna die...
Hanako: He did kill one of us.. Its fair.
Yashiro: Okay..
Hanako: Good, Now lets get Tsukasa, he ate too much human body today.
Yashiro: H-hes pretty cute and scary at the same time... 
Hanako: -Knock at Tsukasa's Dorm-
Tsukasa: Who ever it is im not gonna investigate, im busy :I
Hanako: Well i guess we going alone then.
Yashiro: Thats kinda better.
Hanako: Hmmm. The laundry room. Something might've been here right?
Yashiro: Doesn't seem so. I mean the Laundry Room is active during night time right?
Hanako: Yeah.
Yashiro: Wait! Theres a bloody clock here.. Even thinking of blood makes me scared.
Hanako: Wait, Isn't that Satou's?
Yashiro: Yeah...
Hanako: So the Culprit had Satou's Clock to make sure no one finds him cleaning his BLOODY clothes. 
|Team 3|

Aoi: Im pretty scared..
Akane: I will always be by your side to cheer you up! Do you want a hug?
Aoi: ._. uh, no its okay, im fine.
Yokoo: ...
Aoi: You seem pretty depressed. Are you okay?
[Akane mind: Did she just care for him than me.]
Yokoo: Its just that he was the closest friend I had.. T-thank you for asking..
Aoi: -Smiles-
[Akane mind: -triggered-]
Akane: Soo.. Are we gonna search for evidence?
Aoi: Okay.-5 min later-
Akane: this is so tiring.... we cant find anything :(
Yokoo: Well, i did hear some noises from the kitchen, it woke me up but i didnt move, and barely could see anything.
Aoi: Interesting... Thank you for telling us ^^
Yokoo: Anything for Satou!
Yokoo: Plus its really weird that he died after I and Satou told YASHIRO about how we.. kinda like you. Though i didnt want to lose our friendship and started to keep a low profile on this crush. He had a strong one tho. He really liked you. Maybe Yashiro is the culprit. Probably she was jealous cuz she aswell liked you?
Aoi: That might be true! Thank you for telling, this might help alot! ^^
Akane: Yea. Thanks?
Yokoo: Anything for Satou!
|Team 4|

Tsuchigomori: This is painful.
Yako: Your so cold.
Tsuchigomori: Thank you?
Yako: This wasnt a compliment- ..
Lemon: Are we gonna do anything or just stare at the wall?
Tsuchigomori: Like what?
Yoka: Weren't you friends with Akane AKA one of the main people who could be the killer? Tell us something.
Lemon: Well, Akane... Hes really nice to be a killer, I only know that he has a HUGE crush on Aoi even tho he knows her for like 5 days but yea. People make crushes so fast since they will get killed soon.
Yako: mmm That might help in the class trial, well we dont need anything else so we just relax.
Tsuchigomori: Fine with me.
Lemon: I wish i had my nintendo T^T

{Credits to VampUwU}

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