{Chapter 9}

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{DAY 12. 7 AM}

{Morning announcement played.}

Kou: Good morning everyone!
Teru: Morning.
Yashiro: Good morning ^^
Yako: I'm so hungry... I would eat anything right now....
Tsukasa: Want some?
Yako: What is this? Steak?
Tsukasa: Yes! Natsuhiko steak!
Yako: I'll pass-
Tsukasa: More food for me!
Hanako: I decided to make food today! Spaghetti!
Yashiro: Thank you Hanako!
Aoi: Hanako, Is you REAL name Hanako? I mean 'Hanako' Is a girl name..
Tsukasa: Nope his real name is Amane! But he didnt want me to say it.
Hanako:Tsukasa!! I told you to not tell them!!
Tsukasa: oops~
Aoi: Why did you hide it anyways?
Hanako: Reasons..?
Aoi: Okay.

{ Laterz }
Monoghost: The second floor is unlocked! And new rooms are unlocked in the main floor! Go check them out ^^                p.s. you suck :)

Yashiro: Woah theres a pool!
Sakura: Library. Finally.
Kou: What is this huge gun here-
Monoghost: {appears} if you try getting in the locker room of the opposite gender u die! :) {dissapears}
Kou: w-wh-
Hanako: Sad.. i wanted to see some big breasts.. :(
Hanako: What is privacy?
Kou: you- . . .

{5 PM. }

Everyone was split within the floors. The pool and changing rooms were empty. Yokoo was the only one there.
{Yokoo: . . . I... cant live anymore. i cant take this...}
 Yokoo proceed and grabbed a heavy weight and tied it in his leg. He barely moved but did it and got in front of the pool. He jumped in and couldn't reach the top. He slowly drowned, fainted and died.
After an hour Yashiro arrived at the pool and saw Yokoo's dead body. She screamed and run to get someone for help. Slowly more people arrived.

 Monoghost: "A body has been discovered! A class trial will be soon hold. Go search evidence stupid children!" 

. . . .

Kou: I cant believe they did it again...
Yashiro: I'm scared...
Kou: I will protect you!
Yashiro: {blushes}.. T-thank you..
Hanako: {EEEEH?} I will protect you aswell!
Kou: {. - .}
Sakura: At least that stupid thing wont bother me anymore.
Yako: {yawn}
Kou: Anyways. The teams...
Aoi: Legooo!

{Team 1}
Aoi: Soo.. Where is Mitsuba?
Sakura: He is busy trying to avoid investigating.
Aoi: Okay..
Sakura: Do you know anything?
Aoi: Well, i do know that Yokoo was the only one at the pool. Maybe someone came and got the opportunity to kill him...
Sakura: hmm... Lets think about this information while trying to find more evidence.
Aoi: Okay.

{Team 2}

Yashiro: I'm scared..
Tsukasa: {nom nom} You are always scared.. ehh....
Hanako: Can u stop talking while eating Yokoo?!
Tsukasa: {nom nom} I cant help it, it tastes like fish and i loveeeee fish. And food~
Yashiro: I'm more scared now-
Tsukasa: {nom nom} well i go to the pool. I will make the pool bloody so i can bath anytime!
Yashiro: I didn't need to know that..
Hanako: Lets just search for evidence..
Yashiro: Oke.
Hanako: Wait.. There's a note here next to the pool! Can you read it?
Yashiro: Of course..
Yashiro: {slips out of hands and falls inside the pool}
Yashiro: NOO!! I'm so clumsy :(
Hanako: Its destroyed.. There's no way we can read it now..
 Yashiro: I'm sorry.. T^T
Hanako: Its okay...

{Team 3}

Yako: There's no way we will find anything..........
Tsuchigomori: Positive much.
Yako: Yeah, VERY positive.
Tsuchigomori: ok
Yako: Lets just try to search...

[Credits to VampUwU]

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