{Chapter 6}

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The execution..
Akane has been found guilty. The execution is starting.

 Akane shows up in his magic show while trying to do many magic tricks. The magic tricks doesnt work and he gets called a failure by the evil public. He gets shooted with tomatoes and even harmful things. Monoghost magician shows up and closes him up in a magic box. Real swords gets inside the box while he tries to dodge. Then he gets one stuck in his arm and then it ends with one in his head and one in his chest.

 Everyone meet up for the daily breakfast. Nobody could get over it that Akane killed Satou only for Aoi. Yokoo is very depressed but even if i ask him he will say hes fine. I couldnt stop thinking if im next or not. I dont think anyone here will betray us ... Right? I should focus on something else..
 Tsuchigomori: This is such a pain.
Yako: When pigs can fly you will finally say something else.
Tsuchigomori: Thank you?
Yako: ._.
Aoi: Why did they fight over me?.. they dont even know me..
Yokoo: I dont understand eitheir... .. . . Its only Akane's fault.
Tsukasa: Well i pretty much enjoyed watching the body dying! The box camera had such a nice view i felt like i could touch the dead body right away!
Hanako: Tsukasa...-
Tsukasa: What?
Hanako: You're scaring everyone and they might think you will kill someone ;;;
Tsukasa: mmmm, maybe i will if im bored.~
Hanako: You're not supposed to say that-
Yashiro: O~o
Yako: -yawns-
Sakura: K im going
Natsuhiko: Im coming~!
Sakura: No pls
Nastuhiko: :)
Sakura: . i hope you die soon.
Natsuhiko: Whatever you say babe!
Sakura: Dont call me that.
Yashiro: -sigh-


Monoghost called everyone for an announcement in the gym. Everyone arrived.

 "Hello Everyone!!, well... I noticed no one killed anyone yet... So~~..... I have some TOP secrets from everyone! if anyone doesnt kill someone till Day 11 7 AM... .Then... The top secrets will be revealed!! To make sure someone of you kills someone... Then.. Everyone takes their TOP secret! Here you go!" -Monoghost

 "..." -Everyone is in shock.
Yashiro: How did you knew this..?
Monoghost: I have my ways!
Kou: Whats your ways?!
Monoghost: shut up ...

 DAY 10
no one has killed anyone yet... im pretty sure by tommorow someone will be dead. But are they that stupid to kill someone for only a secret?..

[Credits to VampUwU

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