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Sitting in lesson, her eyes start to slowly .. close.. and the world around her starts to face away.. she sits in this hypnotic trance for a couple of minutes before her eyes shut and everything goes dark. In front of her she see's a figure; a tall, beautiful girl, her hair was long and golden and her eyes like emeralds, she wore a white halter top that went around her neck with high denim shorts paired with a pair of flats that strapped her ankles, with golden jewellery sprinkled all over her and a little circular thing on her finger that stood out.. i tried to get closer to see it and i succeeded, i gently too her hand and looked at it.. a ring.. a diamond ring..?! i look away and think for a while..
Coming to the conclusion that i don't know what it means i look up at her face and...

I jolt up from the dream i had and look around, everyone is packing their things so i do the same. I was almost done when someone came up to me and tapped my shoulder. I turn around to see a boy. He wasn't tall but he wasn't short either, he was definitely taller than her that's for sure.
"Umm.. Ery?"
He had fluffy ginger hair and pretty brown eyes.
His face was sprinkled with freckles!! How cute!
"Stop staring at me and answer, god damn it!"
He has a sorta deep voice and was dressed in a plane white shirt with a denim jacket over it with some black trousers and Nike trainers.
"huh? what?" i say as i get out of my trance.
"Oh Felix, whats up?"
"You were staring at me for a long period of time, i get that im hot but like contain yourself" he laughs
"Oh my im so sorry" i feel so embarrassed that my face glows pink and i turn away
"aha its okay! Also i wanted to say we got partnered for a history project" he's still laughing
"O-oh great um .. well okay.. i'll give you my number and you can come over and we can start tonight then"
"Works for me" he pulls his phone out and i input my number and send myself a lil its felix text so i know who it is.
"Okay i'll see you tonight!" i walk past him and out of the classroom
"Cya" he shouts after me and also leaves.

I still can not believe it.. i was STARING at him! Ughhhh Ery you're so stupid.. oh well i better get to my literature lesson before i'm late or my teacher will kill me! and on that note i pick up my pace and rush to lesson.

I get inside the classroom with a couple minutes left to spare! I go take my usual seat in the middle row on the left, right by the window. I get my books out and get my pens ready! Then i sit and wait for my seat buddy Hyunjin to appear!
Ah finally! there he is! After waiting for what feels like forever he finally shows up!
"Hyunjin~! what took ya so long" i laugh a lil
"Traffic jam" he sighs and sits down.
I rest my head on my hand and take a moment to observe his pristine features. His hair was a lil messy and he was breathing as if he had just ran.. his eyes had tiny bags that aren't that noticeable unless you really look, He was wearing a blue jumper that had a white collar.. not bad.. his hair was still black which wasn't a surprise as he doesn't dye his hair that often but when he does.. it's bomb! his eyes were closed which was a shame as they're so beautiful ~ but the one defining feature of his was the little mole under his left eye! He looks so tired, poor lad always getting chased by the girls i feel bad for him, but i mean he is really good looking.. my cheeks light up when he suddenly says
"how long you gonna stare, Ery-a~"
I immediately turn around in embarrassment and cover my now red face
"i-i'm sorry" i mutter
"ahha it's alright" he laughs it off
"besides i'm used to it so stare all you want" he winked at me
my face goes a lil redder
"u-uhm y-yea" i stutter.. that's a thing whenever im nervous/embarrassed i tend to stutter way more than usual..
The lesson started and i turned my attention to the board.

~ding ding ding~

Aaaaand that's the bell for our break! I get up and start packing all my stuff.
"Was nice to see you today" i smile at Hyunjin
"You too" he smiles back
Aww he has such a cute smile~
"Cya next period" i say and take my leave

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