story topic ideas

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hello everyone once again, I need your help.

The ships I will be continuing to do are,
Yu Yan and Xueer
Kiki and Xueer
Yu Yan and Dai Meng
Kiki and Lingzi (I'm thinking of making a fluff with them two.)

A Yu Yan and Jin Zihan ship may come very soon..

If you guys could please send in new ships. I'm welcome to adding another book with a trainee that has gotten shipped with a lot of other people.

I chose Yu Yan and Kiki since to me there were many ships revolving them two.

But if you guys send in story topics and ships that will help me so much!!

I'll be able to post content throughout summer since I'll have sparks of ideas to write.

I'll appreciate it if you leave a comment!


- Author-Nim 🦊💙

(ill be referring to myself as that and signing things I say at the end of stories with that sometimes.)

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