Chapter Twelve

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Katniss POV

'Johanna! Don't swear during the match! If you do that on Monday, you will get disqualified.'
'Well then Madge, tell your team members that if we want to win on Monday, they HAVE TO MOVE.'

Tensions were running high during volleyball practice on the Thursday before our first match of the practice season at the start of November. The main season starts in March but, as Madge is forever reminding us, this series of practice matches helps us to get to know our opponents.
Bi-weekly practices have made us good, managing to work together efficiently. Well, good by most people's standards, not as it seems by Johanna's.

And I thought Madge was competitive.

I roll my eyes at Annie, standing across the court from me who responds by cruelly, but accurately, imitating Johanna stomping around in rage, eyes flashing, hair being tossed; I snort with restrained laughter along with Clove who stands beside me and also caught the display. It still amazes me how close I've become with the girls in this team, particularly Annie, Clove and, when she isn't red in the face with anger, Johanna. Compared to how unsociably I'd lived the rest of my high school life, the fact I can have casual conversations with nine people in the changing rooms is surprising for anyone.

'Right. Let's make this the last serve then. Annie?'
Annie nodded at Madge's command and moved back into the right corner to serve. I turn back around with Clove to face the net and watch the play unfold. Annie's serve gets dug up by Madge who directs it towards Johanna who whacks it across the court back to our side of the net. Clove attempts to spike it over again straight away but the ball gets dug back into the air by Johanna on the other side allowing Alaska to hit it back over. Annie causes the ball to go spiralling into the air again, I manage to catch the ball on the edge of my elbow, meaning Clove takes the third hit, spiking it into the ground and winning us the final point.

As expected, Johanna immediately starts pointing out every place where her team could have improved. Clove and Annie catch my eye again and we head to the showers together with the rest of our side leaving Johanna and her team behind.
'She's going crazy! I don't remember her being this bad last year!'
'I think because it's her last year. You know, last chance to win.' Clove points out as she pushes open the door to the changing rooms.
'These are only our practice matches! Imagine what she'll be like with the real things!'
'Annie, we'd have all moved out of the country by then.'

Annie and Clove grin at my comment before both heading to different shower cubicles and proceeding to talk over the running water. I sit on the bench, having showered just this morning, and re-braid my hair.
'I was going to set her up on a date with someone, see if that would calm her down a bit.'
'Who were you thinking of?'
Annie's laughs echo around the room. 'Clove, you have got to be kidding! They're total opposites!'
'She'd chew him up and spit him right back out.'
'Yes but Katniss, she'd do that to anyone.'
'She might not like being in a relationship but she certainly likes messing with other people's.'

'Annabelle Jane Cresta, if you are talking about me, that weirdo you are incessantly texting isn't a relationship.' Johanna's voice rang through the room, dragging up the argument that has been popular ever since Annie brought out the lollipop at the football match.
Annie starts pleading through the cubicle door, 'He's not a weirdo! He's just shy!'
'Or very creepy!' Johanna retorts.

Shaking my head I walk over next to Madge to start to get changed, tuning out the conversation that had played out too many times to count.
'Are they really still talking about this?' I mutter to Madge as she un-ties her shoelaces.
'I don't know why really, nothing can beat the time Johanna compared this admirer to the fish she gutted during Home Economics.' I snort with laughter as Madge continues. 'Oh by the way, are you free to come shopping on Saturday? I have to get some things.'
I feel the blush rise to my cheeks as I reply, 'No, sorry. Peeta invited me round to study Chemistry.'
'Chemistry huh? The boring kind with atoms or the sexual kind-' I slap her around the head with my vest top, aware that my face is blushing even more.
'I swear, why am I even friends with you?' I mutter, teeth gritted.
'Gee, blush much? You're redder than a traffic light! '
'That's it. Friendship over. Nice knowing you Madge.'
'You know, he blushes when anyone talks about you too.'
I raise my head to eye the blonde girl smirking at me. 'What?'
'Oh so you want to be friends now I see.' I roll my eyes at her and continue packing away my things.
'Johanna! He's just shy! Not everyone is as confident as you!'

Madge rolls her eyes back at me and we walk out together.


hey guys! (again im sorry for the long update, I've been doing GCSE's -important exams- and I've also had a load of mock exams too.)

I've already written the next chapter and it's already been proof read by heedvigborgen as I'm kinda of nervous about it but yeah, it should be up soon.

Olivia x

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