Chapter 2- The Alchemist

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Previously on a forbidden love:

Cass had felt something hard hit her head and she fell to the ground, she vagually saw a small figure walking up to where Rapunzel was kneeling. Trying to catch her breath.

~~~~~~ End flashback~~~~~

Rapunzel looked up weakly, her light shaded eyes rested on the young boy. Her lips formed a wide smile. "It's so good to see you, but what are you doing here? It's not safe right now." Her wide eyes filled with major concern for her friend.

"It's fine princess, I can handle myself. " Varian said as he grabbed out a small vile from his pocket, he then poured a drop on the bars.  It glowed blue and only melted a small bit.

Varian let out an angry sigh, "I must've mixed the formula wrong. Crap!"

Rapunzel slowly rose to her feet, feeling slightly better. Some of her taken power seemed to return back to her, making her strength return also.

"It's okay.. we'll figure it out." She smiled at the boy, who looked very frustrated with himself. Rapunzel then saw Cassandra stir but she didn't open up her eyes. "You might wanna hurry.."

Varian turned around and saw Cassandra slowly opening her eyes. "Varian!? What the.." she then rose to her feet unleashing her sword and pointing it at the boy. "What are you doing here?"

Varian put his hands up, his brain working overtime to think of a way out if this sticky situation.. he then almost let out a trumpiated gasp, that's it! Sticky!

He sneakily reached into his pocket and grabbed the vile sitting there, he held it behind his back. "I-I came to.. rescue the princess.."

"Haha, very funny. You have to get through me first!" Cassandra then lifted herself up with a black rock heading straight to Varian.

Varian waited for her to come down, he then threw the vile at her feet. Making her stay in the same place. "See Cass. That's Alchemy." He mumbled as he put a hand on the female's shoulder.

Cassandra let out an angry growl, she reached for her tiny sword she always carried and cut Varian across the cheek. It made a pretty decent cut.

Varian let out a cry and fell to the ground. When he was distracted Cassandra cut the goo off her feet and walked to Varian. Making another cut on his cheek, a psychotic look in her shimmering eyes.

The boy scooted as far away as he could, until he felt the coldness of the bars from the jail cell.

"Leave him alone Cass! He's done nothing to you!" Rapunzel yelled, she then started to breath heavily as Cass was sucking her power out once again.

"Princess!-" Varian was interrupted as Cass through him across the room. He hit his back hard on the wall. "Ow. " he mumbled.

"I always knew you were weak. V." Cassandra's lips formed a devilish smirk, at the nickname she used to call Varian.

"Please Cass.. I-" Cass kicked Varian in the stomach. Earning a loud groan from the poor boy.

"Cassandra!" Rapunzel yelled with all of her might, her head slowly looked at Cassandra. "Leave.him.alone!" She bared her teeth in anger.

Cassandra looked amused. 'This kid could be useful after all.' her thought was evil, yes. But so was Cass. She let out a soft hum, grabbing Varian by his shirt and pulled him along as she walked towards the cell.

Varian was on the verge of passing out, his eyes were drooping closed. 'No! He had to stay awake. For the princess..'

Cassandra then tied up Varian hands and lifted him up. She forced him to look at her. "Hm. I guess you'll be more useful then I thought. Kid."

Varian's baby blue eyes lowered in anger. He hated being called a kid. "I'm not a kid anymore! I'm 18!" he hadn't grown that much in height, but he still remained the kind person he always was.

Cassandra scoffed and threw him behind her somewhere. Her main focus was Rapunzel, she would figure out what to do with the kid later on. "So.. Rapunzel  how does it feel to be betrayed, and have lost everyone and everything you've ever loved. Hm?"

Varian let out a soft groan as his fragile body hit the ground. He closed his eyes, he just wanted this nightmare to be over. He then opened them and Cassandra was focused on the princess. This was his chance.

Luckily Eugene and Lance has been teaching him a few tricks on sword fighting. He knew Cass always carried at least 2 knives somewhere, so he'd have to try to find it.. somehow..  without drawing much attention to himself.

Blood trickled down his cheeks and onto his clothes, he wasn't bothered too much  by it too much. Varian raised his head slowly leaning on his elbow to support him.

He then managed to slowly and carefully rise to his feet, he leant on the nearest wall to catch his breath.

Cassandra then clenched her fists, "Why won't you just give up!? I have hurt everyone you loved. And you still resist me! fine.. maybe if I persuaded you by hurting your friend again.."

"No, p-please don't hurt him!" Rapunzel had grown to love Varian more like her little brother, then her good friend.

"Aww, how sweet the princess loves him. That's why you betrayed him, am I wrong?" Cassandra said a hand on her hip.

Rapunzel shook her head, her once green eyes now fully a dull grey. "It was either help him, or all of Corona I had to help Corona. And he accepted that! so don't  even try to twist my words!"

Varian limped towards Cassandra.  His eyes looking menacing. "Step away from her, Cassie."

((Word count: 967 words)

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