Chapter 3- Rapunzel and Varian's great escape

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Previously on A Forbidden Love:

Varian glared at Cassandra, his teeth clenched as he limped towards her. "Let her go.. Cassie."

Cassandra wirled around, to face Varian. "Ya know, I haven't heared that nickname in ages.. it feels kinda nostalgic to hear it." She then let out a soft chuckle as she stepped closer to Varian.

Varian stepped back, his baby blue eyes wide and scared looking, gosh he could fake being scared. Just like he faked helping Rap- no.  This is different,  he was on the other side of the schism.

"D-don't hurt me..please." Varian whimpered , Cassandra grabbed Varian's shirt once again. "Hm, what to do.." Cassandra mumbled, looking at Rapunzel who was glaring at Cassandra.

A flash almost blinded Varian, he saw Cass' spare sword in her belt. Now all he had to do was get it without her noticing.. he reached down and grabbed the sword, he had to stop a few times as Cass looked at him while she talked to Rapunzel.

Varian had tuned out his only thought was getting that knife. He reached down once again, his chains rattling softly. Not enough to annoy or catch Cass' thank God.

Once his fingers touched the sword he wrapped them around the handle tightly and pulled it out, he then quickly and swiftly stabbed Cassandra in the upper arm. She released Varian and let out a groan as she fell to the ground, holding her wound.

Varian landed on his foot, and it unfortunately twisted making him fall flat on his face. "Shit." He mumbled as he leant on his elbow, pain shooting through his now twisted ankle.

"Varian! are you okay?" Rapunzel asked, this time she wouldn't let Cass better her again. She stood up with all her will and ran to the door, yanking it as hard as she could it was no use.

"I-I'm fine Princess.. " Varian raised his head, it took all of his strength to even sit up, he leant against the cold bars. "I'm sorry.. I failed you.. I didn't protect you." A few tears threatened to fall.

Cass let out a groan, she blinked a few times, feeling dizzy as she gradually pulled herself up to her knees with her uninjured arm. The pain was unbearable, but Cassandra had to get her revenge on that brat of a princess, and that kid.

They'll pay.


Cassandra clenched her hands into fists, she glared at Rapunzel and Varian. She felt anger hoping inside her, she couldn't believe the kind and forgiving boy did that to her. It.. it hurt her.. it hurt more then Rapunzel and her fighting.

Varian watched Cassandra. "Cassie.. I'm sorry," he mumbled to himself. The boy then remembered he had one 1 vile left, he reached into his pocket.

One drop.. great, he didn't know if this would do anything, but hopefully it was enough to melt the bars. At least he hoped.

Cass smirked, he loved seeing the boy try to free Rapunzel. Suddenly a sizzling sound filled the room. "Yes!" Varian yelled in triumph it had finally worked.

Rapunzel smiled and walked to Varian embracing him. "Thank you.."she whispered. "Hey.. you saved my dad. I owed you one."

"We, this is so cute. Too bad you two won't make it out alive." Cass said as she stood up. Trying her best not to wince as she she pulled the knife out, her gaze looking menacing.

"Uh, Rapunzel. We should hurry and leave." Varian went to stand up, but imidently fell to the ground in pain. "Ow." He mumbled, breathing heavily.

Cassandra limped to the two injured prisoners. Her dagger turned i nto a long sword. "Enough to slice someone in half." She mumbled as she ran her hand down the sword.

Rapunzel gulped, she grabbed under Varian's arms and raised him to his feet, leaning in the princess for support.

Cassandra then let out a chuckle. "Your free to go." She said as she pointed at the door.

Rapunzel looked at her former best friend, a quizzical look plastered on her elegant features. "What do you mean free to go?"

"Exactly what I mean.. your free to go." Cassandra repeated.

"It's a trap Rapunzel. She's lying I know she is.." Varian mumbled, he was trying to steady his breathing.

"No.. I want you two to be free..go on, before I change my mind." Cass clenched her fists giving them a look as if to say. 'I'm telling the truth.'

Rapunzel nodded finally believing Cass, she adjusted Varian a bit. She headed for the door, taking small steps. Her heart was almost beating out of her chest.  Her bright green eyes wide and full if worry.

The two had actually made it safely out. "We won't make it to Corona in this state." Rapunzel stated, feeling a little weak herself. Having almost all of her power being taken away weakened the princess.

The wind felt especially cold this night. The leaves of the trees flowing in the wind, it was quiet.. too quiet.

Varian felt a cold shiver run down his spine. The young alchemists was terrified. He hoped they could make it at least to old Corona safely. Rapunzel tried to look brave for her friend, but inside she was equally if not more terrified.

The two had finally made it to Varian's house in old Corona. Rapunzel opened the door to see the house dark. "My dad's probably not back yet.." Varian mumbled, letting out a nervous chuckle.

Suddenly there came a snap and Rapunzel felt something cold against her back.

"Don't move."

Word count: 939 words

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