Chapter 5-HOW IS SHE ALIVE!?

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Varian glared at the woman and her shining black eyes. "Wait-weren't you supposed to be dead?" He asked, Rapunzel and Eugene had told him the story of what happened in the tower. "Aren't you Gothel?"

"So I see my child told you about what happened in that tower, no?" The woman's dangerous eyes seemed to burn through Varian's glare, which made him falter slightly.

"Rapunzel isn't your child," Varian stepped back. He didn't know this woman and what she was capable of. To say the truth he was scared of her, he knew not to show fear. But he seriously couldn't help it.

"She's more of a child, then Cassandra will ever be."
Varian stepped back once more, this time his baby blue eyes widened. And a cold shiver went down his spine. No it couldn't be..could it..? Cass is Gothel's daughter..? No! He refused to believe this witch.

"I don't believe you, Cass would know if you were her mum." Varian's back hit the cold wall.

Gothel suddenly walked closer to Varian, until she was inches from his face. Her eyes burned like a fire. Her pure white teeth formed a sneer. "You don't think I didn't have my own daughter? Just because I stole that brat!?" She spat at him. She then grabbed his wrist tightly.

As soon as she did, his wrist began to feel like it was on fire, he jumped a bit and tried to get her to let go.

"What the..?" his brain was working over time, so many questions.. so little answers.."I don't.. I don't understand.." he mumbled quietly, Gothel backed up a little still glaring at the boy.

"Oh, don't you? poor moon child." Her tone sounded, a little sarcastic. "Moon child?" Varian raised an eyebrow, never heared that nickname before. He thought.

Gothel sat down on the nearest chair. She just smiled sweetly at Varian. "What were we talking about? Anyway.. I'm guessing you wanna know why your here, hm?"

Varian nodded he sat down on the ground, looking intriuged. He hoped Cass and Rapunzel were okay. Even is Cass was evil the boy still cared about her.

"I'm sure they're fine child." Gothel spoke, her eyes shinning.

Varian let out a soft gasp, "What- how did you know wh-what I was thinking?" "It's not science kid, you and I are connected."

The boy looked up in disbelief.  "That makes no sense.. two people can't mentally be connected in the mind.. that's just.. just impossible!" He stood up, clenching his fists.

She had to be lying.. she just had to! He would know if he was connected to this woman.

Gothel just sat there, she had a small smirk on her lips. Varian was regretting even speaking, she could probably do alot worse to him if he disobeyed her.

He shuddered at the thought of helping this woman. But right now it was the only way.. "Okay..  snake lady, what do you want? Why am I here? In fact.. where am I? And why did you call me moon child?" Questions just poured out the curious boy. He hoped for a decent and honest answer.

"My child, so many questions. Well for now I'll just answer two. Maybe.. your here because your needed for a part of a..plan that I have, and you don't need to know where you are at the moment." She let out a soft chuckle, it sent a shiver down the boys spine.

"But-" Varian wanted more than just the 'simple answers' he wanted detail! He wasn't just a child.. he was so much more than that, but everyone saw him as that.

"I want to teach you, how to use your powers child." Gothel interrupted the boy before he could continue his sentence.

Varian look astounded. "I don't believe in magic. Gothel." The older lady looked surprised, "You don't believe in magic huh? haven't you had an experience you couldn't link to science? maybe your.. unique streak in your black hair?"

The boy shrugged his shoulders. "I mean, it's unusal yes. But it's not unknown to have being born with a streak of a different coloured hair.."

It was Gothel's turn to shrug. She suddenly stood up and began walking to the door. "Wait!" Varian stood up also, what was he thinking? Was he really going to trust this woman?

Gothel turned around, an eyebrow raised expecting the boy to give an answer.

"Teach me."

Word count: 738 words

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