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It was about a 20-minute drive to our destination. The whole time we talked about our plans for this school year, laughed, and listened to Fawn's horrible taste in music. Myo and Constant in the back all cuddled up. (Yes there are dating). It was a peaceful ride. The sun was setting in the distance lighting up the sky spread a mixture of orange, yellow, red, and some type of purple. It was truly breathe taking. Making this small Georgia town that much better. It's moments like this I know I'll remember forever. The wind blows cool air through the cracks of the window. Fawn screeching her awful sings at the top of her lungs with the rest of us just laughing. I wish it could be like this all the time.

Some more time passes and we start to enter an area you would only see on TV. Houses that are about 3 to 4 stories tall surround us at all sides. I could smell the salty air of the nearby beach, hearing the waves crashing. 

"He lives here!!" Fawn says in amazement. "It was no joke when they said he was rich." She said more to herself than to us. She stares out the window like a dog, her eyes widening with every new thing we see. 

"How far away are we?" Myo asked lifting herself from her seat to try and see the GPS screen.

"We just need to drive a little bit farther up the road and we'll be there," I assured her. 

She sits back down as Constant put his arm around her. Sometimes I really forget that they're dating. They're not really that lovey-dovey couple always kiss and all over each other. They still act the same they did before they started dating which I'm glad. I don't think I would be able to handle all of that.

After a few more seconds of driving the GPS tells me I've arrived and I slow down the car. I looked around to see if I could find a parking space but I didn't. There were cars everywhere, pack in the dozens. I had to drive up three houses down to find a parking spot. Once I did everyone got out of the car. Except for Fawn who had to do a last-minute check up on her make-up before getting out. 

We walked together side by side to the house. When we reached the front we all looked up in aw. The house was three stories tall with a driveway longer than my house. There were already red solo cups and drunk teens littered in the massive front yard. You could hear music blaring through each and every crevice of the house.

"Well shit." Constant exclaimed.

"Well, what are you waiting for guys? Let's go in and party!" Fawn yelled already making her way up the walkway to the front door. We all readjusted ourselves and quickly followed behind her. 

When the front door opens the smell of alcohol and weed hits my nose like a ton of bricks. The house is packed with kids from our school either wasted or high. Immediately once we entered several people recognized Fawn and started going up to her. Soon she was swarmed with many of the 'popular' people and they whisk her away to somewhere. 

"And then there were three," I said but as soon as I turn around I could see Myo and Constant walking away. Soon they were lost in the crowd. "And now there's only me."

Big parties like this isn't how I would want to spend my time but somehow they always seem to drag me along with them. I wander around the house to see if I could find any of my friends or at least the door to the backyard or something. I swear this house was like a maze and the fact that there were so many people blocking my field of view didn't help at all.

After what felt like ages I finally find the back door and what I see was amazing. His backyard was connected to the beach. Some of the kids who were in the house were sprawled out on the beach. At this time the sun was completely gone and what was left was the moonlight shining on the waves. I scanned the beach to see if I could see anyone but nothing. I decided to head down to the beach to escape the cage of sweaty drunk/high teenagers that filled the house. In the distance, I could see a few of the guys gathering large logs of wood. I guess for the actual bonfire.

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