Chapter 7

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We all stared into the bushes, looking for the source of the sound.

"There it is again!" said Susan

"I heard it this time." Peter agreed. "It's just behind the tree. I think it's dodging us. It's something that doesn't want to be seen. "

"Let's go home."

As soon as Susan that we all realized something. We had no idea how to get home from here. We were lost.

"What is it?" asked Lucy.

"It's some sort of an animal. Oh! Look! There it is again!" Susan exclaimed.

I saw it this time. It had a whiskered, furry face which was peeking out from behind the tree. The animal put it's paw against its mouth as if it was signalling us to be quiet. Then it disappeared again. A moment later it reappeared, glanced around and then beckoned us forward.

"I know what it is. It's a beaver. I saw its tail." said Peter.

"It wants us to go with it. Should we? It's no good standing here, and I want some dinner." said Susan

"I think it's a nice beaver." Lucy turned to me and I nodded in agreement.

"How do we know?" asked Edmund

At this moment the beaver appeared and motioned us forward again.

"Come on, let's give it a try. We ought to be a match if it turns out to be an enemy. Keep close together." Peter led us forward.

We followed the beaver behind a tree but it drew back and said

"Further in. Come on. We're not safe in the open." On;y when we reached a dark spot where four trees grew close together did it stop.

"Are you sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve?" asked the Beaver

"We're some of them," Peter replied

"S-s-sh! Not so loud, We're not safe even here!"

"Who are you afraid of? There's no one here but ourselves."

"The trees. They're always listening. Most of them are on our side but some would betray us to her. If you know what I mean."

"If we're taking sides, how do we know you're a friend?" Edmund asked suspiciously.

"Not to be rude, Mr Beaver. We're new here" Peter quickly added

"Ah yes, here is my token." With those words, the Beaver held up a small white object which I recognized as the handkerchief Lucy gave poor Mr Tumnus. Lucy explained to the others what it was.

"Poor fellow, he got wind of the arrest before it happened and handed this over to me. He said that I must take you on to-"

Here the beaver's voice sank into silence and he gave a few mysterious nods. He gestured for us to huddle up as close as we could and then added

"They say Aslan's on the move-perhaps has already landed."

As soon as he said that I suddenly felt relief, as if this Aslan I'd never heard of before could make things right and help us find our way. I felt he could help me protect my friends from harm. I knew everything would be alright.

"What about Mr Tumnus? Where is he?" asked Lucy

"S-s-sh! Not here. I must bring you where we can have a real talk and dinner."

I had no difficulty trusting the beaver no and I was glad to hear the word dinner. The others seemed to feel the same way because we all hurried along after him. He lead us quickly through the thickest parts of the wood. It had been about an hour and I was very tired and very hungry. Thankfully, the trees began getting thinner and the ground fell steeply downhill. A minute later we were out in the open. We were standing on the edge of a steep, narrow valley. At the bottom was a fairly large frozen river. Across the river was a dam. I knew that beavers made dams and so this was probably Mr Beaver's.

"What a lovely dam," said Susan politely.

This time the beaver didn't hush her. Instead he said "Merely a trifle! Merely a trifle! And it isn't quite finished."

Above the dam was a floor of dark green ice and below the dam was frozen water in foamy, wavy shapes. On top of the dam was a funny little house shaped like an enormous beehive. There was smoke coming up from a hole in the roof which made me think of food and of course made me even hungrier.

"Here we are," said Mr Beaver. "And it looks like Mrs Beaver is expecting us. I'll lead the way, careful, don't slip."

Edmund snapped his head towards Mr Beaver. It seemed as he if was staring at something in the distance. Hmm, weird. There was nothing there...Unless he was looking for something...The Witch's house?

We walked along a frozen path on top of the dam. I looked over the side and gulped. It was a long way down. Thankfully, we reached the door quickly.

"Here we are, Mrs Beaver. I've found them. Here are the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve."

As soon as I walked in I heard a burring sound and saw a kind-looking old she-beaver sitting in the corner sewing with a sewing machine. She stopped her work and looked up at us.

"So you've come at last!" She said, holding out her wrinkled paws. "At last! To think I should see live to see this day! I see there's five of you...the rhyme only said four...nevermind that! The potatoes are boiling and the kettle's singing and Mr Beaver, you'll get us some fish."

No one had a chance to ask what she meant by five of us or four in the rhyme because Mr Beaver left the house with Peter to get some fish and Mrs Beaver told us girls to help her with dinner. We filled the kettle, set the table, cut the bread and did several other things to get ready for dinner. I took a moment to look around. The Beavers had a very nice house, though it was quite different from Mr Tumnus's. There weren't books or pictures. Instead they had a pair of bunks built into the wall. Hams and onions were hanging from the ceiling and many tools were against the walls. The only thing ruining the image was Edmund, who was looking grumpy in the corner. I was about to approach him when Mr.Beaver and Peter returned with the freshly caught fish. It smelled wonderful. It seemed like forever before dinner was finally ready. Susan drained the potatoes and Lucy and I helped dish up the trout. We had just sat down on some three-legged stools around the table when Mrs Beaver looked at me.

"You don't say much do you, dear? I haven't heard a word this whole time>"

"She can't talk, Mrs Beaver. The Witch took away her voice. We don't know why though." Lucy told her.

"The Witch's doing, huh? We'll talk about that after dinner." Mr Beaver said

Dinner was delicious. There is nothing better than fresh fish that had just come out of the pan. On top of that, there was also creamy milk for us and a lump of yellow butter for the potatoes. Once we had finished Mrs.Beaver brought over a marmalade roll, steaming hot. We put the kettle onto the fire so when we were done with the roll, Tea was ready. We got our tea and Mr Beaver pushed back his stool and said

"Now, if you'll just wait till I've got my pipe lit up and going-Why now we can get to business." He looked out the window and added, "it's snowing again. That's better. We won't have any visitors. No one will find any of our tracks.

Hey, Y'all. I bet that was a pretty good dam dinner they had...Percy Jackson anyone???

Anyway, This whole time I've been closely following the book but next chapter the fun begins! Y/n is gonna go on an adventure of her own. (Or you guys are gonna go on an adventure...You are Y/n...)

See you next week! Also I'm trying to work out a update schedule.


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