A Weakened Heart: Juliette

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Chapter 1

The storm that came out of nowhere before the dawn was an omen; a sign of bad things to come, but I ignored it. I was so desperate to see Dominic again that I didn't notice any of the signals that were all around me. Dominic had called earlier that morning and said he wanted to see me at dawn at our cliff. I had to wait for the storm to subside a bit before I went out on my bike and all that time, nothingoccurred to me.

Our cliff; it sounded so sweet and romantic. Dominic and I had been friends since pre-school where he saved me from some bullies. We were more than just friends; he was like an older brother to me and to him, I was like a little sister, but I knew that wasn't how we felt about each other. We were in love; from the moment we set eyes on each other that faithful day in Miss. Lee's class. About a month ago we became sweethearts and I knew I had aroused the Wolf inside him. We hadn't had our first kiss yet but we held hands between classes and we sat together whenever we had the chance. We were the perfect couple; everyone said so, so why was I so edgy as I waited for him to come?

I sighed and began wrapping a strand of my dirty-blond hair around myfinger like I did when I was nervous. After a few agonizing heart-beats, I heard a noise. It sounded like laughter; a man and a woman's. I recognized Dominic's laugh; it had always melted my heart down to the core, but I didn't recognize the woman's own.

I got up and peered down the mountain's trail. My Dominic was there all right, his copper-red hair blowing in the wind and he held the hand of a young woman. They were laughing and I felt something stab my heart. Why had he brought some strange girl with him? This cove was supposed to be between onlythe both of us; not even the Elders knew. I had taught him to throw up barriersaround his mind so the Elders couldn't get in. It kept those private thoughts between us. Dominic spotted me and gave me his beautiful smile. I made an effort to smile back at him but the edges trembled. He helped the strange girl up the mountain and she collapsed into his arms as they reached.

I wrapped my arms around my chest as their laughter made my heart ache.

Dominic came to me, bringing the girl with him, and wrapped one of his arms around my waist.

"Hi, Jules," he said, pressing his hot lips to my forehead. "How are you this fine morning?"

"Tired," I said shrugging, keeping my arms around my middle. "You?"

"I've been better," he said and the girl giggled.

"Who's she?" I asked, trying to sound causal but some smugness leaked into the question.

"Juliette, this is Haliee Maxwell; Haliee, this is my best friend Juliette."

'Best friend?' I was his girlfriend. Why did he introduce me to her as his best friend?

"It's so glad to final met you," Haliee said holding out her hand and I reluctantly shook it. "Dominic has told me all about you. You really are cuter in person; like a little girl."

She did not just call me a 'little girl.' I looked older than her; she was the little girl here. I decided to change the subject.

"So why did you have me drag all the way up here so early in the morning?"

I asked Dominic and he held up a finger. He fished into his back pocket andproduced a cream-coloured envelope in two of his fingers. "For you,


I took it and looked up into his beaming face. Haliee wrapped her arms around his arm and I wanted to shout at her to get away from my boyfriend. My name was written in his curvy handwriting at the front and I opened it. I pulled out what seemed like an invitation and smiled at Dominic.

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