chapter 25 - 27

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Chapter 25

“Here’s your stop,” he said with a smile and I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. 

“Thanks, a lot,” I replied softly, opening the car-door and jumped out.

Dr. Leonard handed me my bags and I took it. He nodded at me as I closed the door and drove off.

Now to face Dad, who would probably be both mad and glad that I came home. I took a breath and was about to cross the road to my street when an unfamiliar voice stopped me.

“Hey, Juliette. That you?” the voice said and I turned around to stare into the perfect replica of Avan’s mahogany eyes.

I stepped back in confusion, which was a very bad idea as I forgot about the ledge that ended the side-walk, and nearly fell into the street. The young man grabbed my hand and set me back on my feet.

“Careful there. We don’t want a road-accident, now do we?” he said in a deep, smooth voice that was similar to Avan’s.

He looked familiar, other than the fact he looked like Avan; like someone I had seen before.

“Do I know you from somewhere?” I asked and the boy smiled.

“Not personally, but I’m Avan’s older brother, Beck,” he replied and that explained so much. 

He had been the one to say that his brother was a hero so long ago in my room when Avan had saved me. I’m surprise I had never met him until now.

“As we’re on the topic of my brother,” Beck continued. “How is he by the way? I've tried reaching out to him but it’s like reaching out to you; I hit a concrete wall.”

“Avan’s fine,” I replied softly, not wanting to look into his eyes. “He’s

recovering slowly from his wounds by a friend of mine. She takes really good care of him.”

“Is...When’s he coming back?”

“I’m not sure, but I hope it’s soon. There’s also a professional doctor taking care of him.”

“Good,” Back muttered, putting his hands in his pockets while I twiddled my thumbs. “Mom has been worried sick about him and since her brother’s in surgery in England; we don’t like to get her worried about other things.”

“I’m sorry to hear about your uncle,” I said, picking up my bags. “But tell your mom that there’s no need to worry about Avan and that he’ll be home soon. I have to get going now. I’ll catch you around." 

“Sure thing,” Beck replied and I turned around to cross the road. “Thanks again." 

I nodded and him and made my way across the road and hopped unto the pavement on the other side. I walked into Plymouth Drive and my house was the third one on the right. It wasn’t big and fancy like the other houses but it was home.

I walked up the drive-way with a pounding heart and sweaty palms. I took a deep breath as I went unto the porch and rang the doorbell.

I waited patiently for someone to answer and it was like waiting for Dad to come back with Dominic and Avan that faithful day. The door opened and Uric stood in the door-way, his eyes growing wide as he saw me.

“Juliette?” he asked, surprise and I felt tears well up in my eyes for some strange reason.

In only two and a half days, Uric had changed.

Standing in the doorway, he looked a few inches taller than before and the baby fat in his cheeks was almost gone. I then realized there was a new scent about him; he smelt more like a Wolf now.

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