Chapter 2

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-Izuku is now 14, also Izuku POV-

       After a long day at my "job" I went down to my favorite coffee shop. I was getting excited because I was finally getting to meet up with one of my friends, well only friend, that I haven't seen in awhile. As I walked in I saw my purple haired friend petting a cat that had curled up on his lap. (Did I mention that this is a pet cafe? No? Well they're the best thing in the world, say otherwise and you're insane.) When he heard the bell from the door chime, meaning it opened, he looked up. He gave a tired smile and waved him over to sit by him. "Wow look at those eye bags, guess you're still having trouble sleeping huh, Toshi?" he asked, knowing that other boy didn't liked to be called that, Izuku honestly did it just to annoy him.

       "Hey I told you not to call me that, Izuku! And yeah, my parents aren't helping, they're always arguing and sometimes they still get violent. At least they are trying to get better and don't annoy me after you yelled at them." he snickered.

       "Good! They should've never treated you like that in the first place, how could they ever say that to you? You're an amazing person Hito, your quirk doesn't mean anything about you as a person. It's your actions that can either be villainous or not. Your quirk can't be villainous and like I said, you're an amazing person Hito. Don't ever forget that, you're going to be a great hero someday, ok?" Izuku huffed. He hated when people are treated differently just because of their quirk, especially for cases like himself, he just doesn't get it. "Also if they are ever being too loud, you're always welcome to come to my place ok?"

-Third person POV-

       When Shinso heard Izuku say that he was amazing and seeing how mad he got for him, he started blushing. Midoriya was always there for him whenever he needed him. He was someone he could trust. He was the only one that had truly cared about him and he always got this feeling around him and he didn't know why, strange. Then Izuku's voice snapped him out of his trace.

       "Are you ok there Toshi?" He snickered. "Look at this beautiful picture I got of you in your daze. You were spacing out so much, so I figured I'd get a picture. Maybe teach ya to actually listen to me for once!" He laughed

       "DELETE THAT" Shinso screeched.

       "Nope! It's your fault for not listening, I think I'll save it to my home screen, I think it's kinda cute..." he says, whispering the last part. Izuku never would have thought that he'd ever get close to someone like this, that he could truly be himself. Izuku then thinks back to when he first met the insomniac he calls his friend. If he remembers correctly it was when he was going after one of his first targets as vigilante Kizuato.

-Flashback to when he is 8-

A woman, his target, is walking on the sidewalk. She had long pink hair, wearing fashionable yet expensive clothes. When her quirk was in use, her tongue was forked like a snake and also had the venom of a snake in her fangs. Izuku then thinks it matches with her personality perfectly that he almost starts to laugh thinking of the irony. She has done many things and her record is quite impressive. Kidnapping, assault, theft, and murder. Many people have gone after her and go missing or are found dead in the next few weeks, are what the rumors say. He would have thought that she'd be in jail already facing several years, but after looking her up, it says that no one is ever able to get proof of her acts. The police and heroes can't act until they do. He also thinks it's weird that even though she has a quirk that affects her appearance, that it's ok because she can turn her power off and on. He guesses that she must not have enormous amounts of power stored inside her like he does, that's the thing he can think of for her to be able to stay. On another note, she also somehow gets away every time no matter how close he gets. She then always disappears and he gets caught running in circles' he thinks to himself angrily. He has been on her trail for awhile but hasn't caught her yet. He knows that he probably should start somewhere smaller for his first target but she has ticked him off. He found out that she had kidnapped some demi humans before they were thrown out and are keeping them in cages like pets. She'll also make them act like animals and have a show featuring what she calls 'rare exotic animals'. Then if the demi humans don't do as they are told, they are beaten or worse, killed. It's more to him now than just going after her for her other crimes, it was personal. 'This is one of my last chances to get her, next month she's going to Silent Island which is thousands of miles away and you can only enter if you are allowed by its owner. Supposedly they are making a big deal which definitely would be good for people like me, wait where is she going? The info said she'd be going into the building a few blocks down, did she notice me?' he thinks to himself. With that he jumps down from the roof that he was jumping across and starts to walk instead. He'll need to hide in the crowd or she'll probably send her goons after him now if she did see him, 'let's hope that's not the case.' ...

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