Welp im a dummy

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Hey sorry not a story, I just realized that I'm a dumb ass. A couple chapters ago I wrote that everyone had seen Midoriya's fox ears, and in the last one I realized that I made him make up a thing about his hearing so Uraraka didn't know about his ears. So please forget what I wrote, I'll fix it in this update so you don't have to reread the last chapter.



"Okay then, you ready Uraraka?" Midoriya said nervously. While the villain team got their several minutes inside to get ready, he had made a plan with Uraraka.

"Totally, Im excited to try out your cool plan!" She said excitedly. Since he could hear the other two in the building from the beginning, it made their work a lot easier. Midoriya could hear them going up the stairs into the fifth floor, he could even hear them talking, each step, even every breath they took. Unlike real cities, the fake one they were in didn't have no people bustling around, no honking horns, no sounds. It was all deserted, a ghost town, and since he was used to listening to all the noise, hearing them moving when there was complete silence was easy.

       "Seems like they are on the fifth floor right now, Bakugo seems to be heading downstairs right now. Looks like he's going after us as expected, I knew he could just sit back there guarding the weapon. I'll go inside to distract Bakugo, you float up to the fifth floor, make sure to float up behind the weapon so Iida can't see you. You then wait on the window ledge until I give you the signal okay?"


See, not much of a change but I thought that I should correct it since it might have been confusing. Sorry that I keep changing the story, I always just think that it's good and send it out not catching my mistakes till later.  Again I'm sorry that this isn't a chapter but I will try to write another as soon as I can. Also I'm sorry if they're coming out later than usual, writing two stories takes some time so I can understand that it might be annoying if you only read this one. Also I need to stop saying sorry too much haha, my friend even keeps track and will slap me whenever I say it, it's just so hard not to? Haha anyways I'm regretful for just posting an update but I hope that you all have a good day! Bye!❤️

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