Part 39

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Ok first off, LOOK AT THIS BEAUTIFUL FANART!!!!!! I am in love with it!!!! It was drawn by choppy_moon and I can't get over how pretty this is, thank you so much!!!!💖

-1st POV-

        Why did I pay him any attention? I should've just ignored him like I usually do with people. They're all annoying anyway, whining about worthless things like, "oh my friends didn't invite me over to a party" or "my friends keep being mean to me". Who needs friends anyways, they're something that has always been foreign to me. My father never even let me play with other kids when I was younger. Perhaps it was a good thing, others always seem to be angry or annoyed with them anyways. There are sometimes however where I can see them, laughing together and looking so happy, something I've never experienced and I find myself longing for one sometimes. Hell I doubt that I could ever even find one, my communication skills lacking. Well I guess that and my dad would never allow it saying that "they'll only distract me from being the number one hero".

Since I was a child that's what I've been told, that I'll become the number one hero and beat All Might, the current number one hero. That's why my father used to train me past my limits, wouldn't stop until I couldn't move any of my limbs. Then I'd become his punching bag, saying that I could never defeat the number one of I couldn't even defeat him. Perhaps that's why I find Midoriya more annoying then others, he has all of this power while my father used to beat me until he was satisfied. He was born with all of this overwhelming strength while I was "weak and worthless" as my father used to say. Maybe two years ago I heard of the vigilante Kizuato and I had the faintest of hope that maybe he'd come and save me from this hell hole people call a "home". I waited for so long and he never came like I hoped, and I just thought "why, why not me?". I then started to hate the vigilante, taking some of my hate from my dad towards him. However when I saw him in that bathroom, silently choking on his tears, it reminded me of myself. When I use to hide in my closet, trying to muffle my crying so my dad wouldn't hear and beat me for showing weakness. Seeing him there it showed me how different yet how similar he was. Different then other people who go and whine to others about their problems and wanting attention. Similar though, how he would try and to hide his emotions, not wanting to seem weak to others, or that he wasn't just some great vigilante but a teen just like me.

       I remember the first time I came to  U.A., it was place that I could escape from my father for even just a short while. Maybe it was like that for Midoriya too, perhaps there is more behind the curtains, however it doesn't change my feeling of hatred toward him. Even though he's done nothing wrong, I can't help but be mad at him. Anyways for school, it was the first taste of freedom that I've ever had, and I was so happy, guilty as well. Guilty because I had such an urge to just never go back, to leave that hell hole forever. I could never do that though, not with my siblings still there, I know that my sister would only take my place and I could never forgive myself. That's why I just have to take it, for the sake of my siblings, that's why I push my feelings down. I push them deep down into the darkness inside me, letting it swallow them whole and never letting them resurface. It hurts less that way but I can't seem to do that with everything, my anger continues to seep out, sometimes lashing out at others. That anger is the only thing that seems to keep me moving forward, that's why I allow myself to follow its path, never looking back at the damage behind. I know that if I do, if I do look back, it might just break me, shattering into pieces, being useless just like my dad always told me I was. That why I now refuse to use his power, to show him that I can be useful even without his power. That I can finally-'

       "Todoroki? Are you okay, you seem more absent minded today."

Okay not everyone is annoying, I forgot to mention the person that would probably be the closest thing I have to a friend. Momo Yaoyorozu, I've met her before because of our parents. She is one of the only people who actually talk to me, checking up on me and seeing how I'm doing. She understands my boundaries and is careful not to cross them and I respect her for that. That's why I'll answer the questions she asks, not just ignoring it like I do for other people. Well I guess I can't count that one time Midoriya was asking me questions about my powers before, he just seemed like he was a person that wouldn't stop asking so I figured it'd just be better to answer. It seemed quite fake though, almost like a facade, every part of is body showed fanboy but his eyes seemed dangerous instead. Guess it makes sense now, only finding out after that he was a vigilante. Ugh why do I keep thinking about him?

"Todoroki?" Momo asked again, looking slightly worried.

Oh I haven't responded yet. "Yeah everything's fine, just thinking about something."

-3rd POV-

"I will not allow you to go there alone!" Shinso yelled.

"No I can't put you in danger like that, plus it's the sports festival, I know how long you've waiting for a chance like this." yelled Midoriya.

"What is happening here, calm down, what happened problem children." They both looked over and saw Aizawa.

"I need to go Aizawa my parents, my parents are in danger!"

"He says he wants to go to the wall all by himself!"

"Shut up! My lord, Midoriya, explain to me calmly what happened. Nothing is gonna happen if you both are just yelling at me." Aizawa groaned, already seeing that this problem is going to have him doing lots of work, cutting into his precious sleeping time.

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