Chapter 21

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I don't know why but I had so much trouble drawing her, sorry if it turned out kind of wonk. I also recently got my hair dyed pink and I'm so happy with it! Also if you guys have any questions please ask, in the next chapter I'll put all the answers at the top. Any questions about the story or even questions about me I'll answer.

-3rd POV-
"Izu wake up! Your phone's alarm is going off, it says something about getting some regimens done?" Shinso said shaking Midoriya, trying to wake him up.

When Midoriya heard him say regimen he practically flew out of Shinso's bed,"Shit the training regimens! I'm so sorry Hito but I need to leave right now, I was supposed to give everyone a training regimen today and I haven't even started." Midoriya then ran out of his house and to the school. Lucky he set a timer in case he forgot which he obviously did.

-Shinso's POV-

I woke up to the sound of an alarm, 'did I even set an alarm?' I thought, reaching over to the source of the noise. Turns out it was Izu's phone going off, so I looked at the alarm and it was labeled "Don't forget about the regimens". Thinking it must be important, I turned back over to Izu who was still sleeping beside me, 'He must be exhausted if he's not waking up to his alarm' I thought to myself. Slightly shaking him, I try to wake him up. At first he just groaned and was refusing to get up, so I then mentioned what the alarm was for and he shot up. I almost laughed as I saw the expression on his face with his bed head making his hair more messy than usual.

"Shit the training regimens! I'm so sorry Hito but I need to leave right now, I was supposed to give everyone a training regimen today and I haven't even started." He said running, getting all of his stuff and racing out the door. Following him out my door and helping him get ready, I was only met with a small wave before he bolted to his school. "Ah wait.... my favorite sweatshirt" I sighed as I just stood there by the door. 'Oh well, he can keep it'

-3rd POV-

Midoriya made his way silently into the dorms but it was all for nothing as he was met by everyone in the kitchen eating breakfast and watching the news.

"Oh Midoriya you're back, good morning" greeted Mina happily.

"I thought I told you guys that you can sleep in?" Midoriya asked the group.

"Well some of were excited to start training with our quirks that we woke up early and were talking to each other about it." Sero said raising a fist to show he was ready to start.

"Talking loudly, you woke up the rest of us with your loud blabbering!" Said Jiro crankily, she was still tired and definitely wasn't a morning person.

"We weren't that loud!" Said the invisible girl defensively.

"I have to admit that you were a bit too loud, kero" Said Tsu. "Also is no one going to talk about what Midoriya is wearing, kero?" The rest of the group stopped arguing and turned to Midoriya who was still in Shinso's oversized sweatshirt, looking like he had no shorts. Realizing what he was wearing, Midoriya blushed, he hadn't realized what he was wearing because he was so worried about doing the training regimens. As he was about to say something back, the silence from everyone looking at him let him hear what was on the tv. It was saying how the bounty on his head had increased again, and saying that his case has been the most frustrating hunt, having no signs of him in many years.

'At least now I know why the bounty on my head is so great, me being a Demi Human and being a rare case with all of my power stored inside, the proof of my power being shown in my eyes. If anyone could do that experiment on me, I dont even want to think of the power they'd be able to control.' Midoriya thought to himself as he walked over to the tv, turning it off and sighed.

"That was about you right, I keep forgetting that you're the vigilante Kizuato. You just seem so much like us that it's easy to forget. Do you know why the bounty is that high, it seems strange how much more it's been increasing recently." Shoji asked him, Midoriya thinking about what he said. He forgot about the fact that it has been several years since he's had the bounty on his head, yet it was only recently when they had found out a way to strip a demi human of their power and use it for themselves. 'Have they been trying for many years to get the experiments to work and now that they have, they have been increasing my bounty a lot lately? Or was it something different, that originally he was wanted for something else, like something that the snake lady did.' He'd have to think about that more and figure it out, if there was something else that others wanted from Demi Humans it'd make it a lot hard than it already was to live a normal life.

"Midoriya? What are you mumbling about?" Ojiro asked him bringing him out of his thoughts and back to reality.

"Ah sorry about that" he said scratching the back of his neck. "

"It's like you said, you do the same like I did. However it was more mumbling, I couldn't really understand any of what you said." Iida said thinking back to when he over shared about his brother.

"Yeah I guess, anyways back to your question Shoji, I don't exactly know but I have an idea for why it's so much. Also I'm sorry to say that I don't have the training regimens done yet but I'll try to finish them up soon. Since all of you are already up, how about we get ready and head for the training area and start on your guy's quirks. We only have several more weeks till the school year starts, and I want you all to be ready for it."

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