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"Mr Wolfhard, please take a seat."
Said the benevolent individual dryly, whilst welcoming the man into his office.

Eric's hands unknowingly twitched with something he had always been a victim of, anxiety, whilst he entered the doorframe of the dull office.

It was basic, with the usual comforting homely scent, missing. It was like the place had been disinfected of any joy.

The work attire he had worn sweaty and musty due to the long day of service he had delivered of mopping floors and cleaning tables.

The gentleman opposite Eric stood up to greet his guest, allowing the pair to briefly shake firm hands. He then took a seat at the office desk, as if it were a throne of the highest aristocrat.

"Please, Mr Wolfhard. Calm yourself. You are in no trouble."
Robert spoke calmly noticing the fear that had crowded the man, whilst trying hard to hide the unnoticeable grimace gently splayed across his cracked lips. He let out a derisive laugh, as if; he had taken delight in seeing the man's fearful orbs.

Eric sighed, relief washing over his shaky body as he gently rubbed at his forehead, beads of sweat that had once developed among his grimy skin evaporating.

The demon inside of him, that had been so badly beaten could finally, breathe again.

He raised his eyebrow briefly. "Then, what is it ?" He queried, curiosity beginning to engulf his racing thoughts rather than the pessimistic ideas that had once engraved the corners of his mind.

Robert Brown inhaled, slowly intertwining his hands and resting them against the solid Oakwood surface of the polished desk.
"Are you aware of the ceremony,
I have planned for tomorrow tonight ?"

How could he not ?

For the past week the janitors, maids, chauffeurs and chefs had been working exceedingly hard to prepare the mansion with foreign goods and spotless surfaces, for it would be classified as a venue on Saturday evening, it had been the talk among all the workers of the mansion, each individual awaiting the night of excitement.

Eric was not sure why the irrelevant members of staff had been so enlivened at the idea of the ceremony, something that occurred relatively frequently.

The workers of the stately home had never been invited to the kind of events thrown there, the reason for that being more than lucid.

They had all just been the burdens amongst the place, ensuring everything was kept tidy and that those accommodating the mansion were kept comfortable in the lifestyle that they had worked, oh so hard for.

If only the outside world knew what occurred behind the wide double glazed windows and grand silk sewn curtains.

After momentarily getting lost in the thoughts crowding his mind, Eric shook his head and responded to the man sat before him."Yes, I'm aware. I know about it."

Robert grinned showcasing his undeviating teeth, A fluently practised skill, used to further his reputation. "Well, you sir have been selected amongst all my staff to attend the program. You and a guest of your choice."

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