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The plastic bags of substance had been hidden and the television volume had been highly increased by Joseph as he heard the approach of his mother's distressed voice.

He drastically attempted to drown out the irritating ring of her raspy sound. And finally, after doing so, he Internally appraised himself, adjusting his position on his bed crossing both legs.

Man, could he get used to the life of being pampered.

Except his attempt wasn't effectively successful.

"Joseph! Turn down the volume for goodness sake."
spat his mother, her head poking through the Oak doorframe, Causing him to roll his eyes before releasing a sigh in annoyance and proceeding to decrease the volume.

"Your dad just called, he wants to know if you're going to join the search party for Mr brown's daughter."

It was hard of course, to have heard over the rippling sound of the television, even after slightly decreasing it. But he couldn't help but catch one phrase.

"Search party ?" He asked his eyebrow twitching in utter confusion.

Reluctantly, his mother entered the room that held a strong lingering smell of aftershave and body odour, she sat on the bed next to her son moving her hands to her lap.
"Yes, Millie has...well, ran off it seems."

she paused looking down to her fingers playing with the ring on her index finger, before speaking again. "During the ceremony."

Joseph almost didn't believe what he had been told as his mouth parted open slightly before he sat up swiftly from his position on the bed. The boy couldn't help but think back to the night prior, to the way he had forcefully moved his hands against her soft and pale, exposed skin.

He just couldn't think of anything else.

He could even recall how quickly she had fled the grand banquet hall in such a flurry after her successful act of self-defence.

Wrapping this thought tightly within his intellect, he harshly swallowed, hoping it'd do some leverage in allowing him to forget his previous and now slightly shameful actions despite, the bitter taste settling uncomfortably on his tongue.

He went silent his reaction unclear to his mother as he began to fidget nervously bringing his cuticles towards his teeth.

Amongst many other rhetorical questions, scenarios and irrelevant thoughts, a bold question had been piled on top almost flashing in red.

What if he...was the reason she had ran away?

And even he knew it was a stupid question with an answer even the stupid would know.

Even if so the case, he shouldn't need to care. But he did...Of course, it was known to him that he is not at all obligated to care and he has never been the type of person to care in general, but he wondered why now he would need to suppress his sudden urge to show his nervous habits and stupid rambling. By this point, he couldn't do anything but momentarily shake his head and dismiss the bubble of thoughts closing in on his mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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