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Oh, what a night it had been.

A cloud of unpleasantness to be specific.

Not long after Finn and Millie had made their unannounced departure, was their, more so Millie's absence, recognised by guests. The bustling crowd struggled to comprehend the suddenness of the situation.

On the other hand, it was no secret that Finn's sudden disappearance had gone unnoticed by all in the room, more particularly his father who was enjoying the savoury and sweet tastes of the exquisite red and white wines, that had not been bought from the local off-licence.

The room began to fill more and more with elegant gowns and embroidered suits. This left the crowd congested with more than just people, as panic began to set loose as the news got around simply by gossip.

"The CEO's daughter fled !"

"What ?"

"She's gone !"

Was all the guests mumbled amongst themselves, allowing their conversations to become public.

It was not long before Robert realised that the priority of the night had slowly turned towards his daughter's disappearance, and after ordering for everything to be put on hold, the soothing music was brought to an abrupt pause and the dim lights of the room were brightened ever so slightly.

All voices lowered to nothing more than a hushed whisper as all guests undivided attention was diverted toward Robert Brown clearing his throat thoroughly from the middle of the dance floor making the first announcement of what seemed like, at the time, many to come.

"My daughter is gone."
He breathed, chest tightening in preparation and his voice was raspy as if his throat been coated in the strong forty Percent liquids provided.

Time had rapidly passed, as they realised there was a problem.

A problem that soon linked back to Eric Wolfhard as he too realised his son had disappeared.


It was the day after the ceremony. A day normally filled with tidying up and thanking guests of the previous night was now not the case.

Today would be a different day, rather filled with raised voices and search parties. It truly was immaculate how one's mindset can so quickly change.

After being threatened by possibly the richest standing man in New York and of course being entreated by simply an unstable janitor, local police forces finally began to make an effort.

All Police teams wondered where Finn and Millie, more specifically Millie, could have possibly been as search parties became bigger and bigger, the disappearance of the CEO's daughter and his janitor's son becoming the talk of the town. It was strange. New York was a dull place, a facade of flashing lights and skyscraping towers.

During police meetings that very same day, Eric had made an effort to put his heavy alcohol consumption on pause while, Robert as usual, had pinned the blame on another.

The room the gentlemen currently sat in was cold and desolate until the police officer walked in taking his seat across the wooden table where both men had been told to wait.

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