Chapter 1

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Max wakes up in the middle of the night from a call. The call is from eleven. Max picks up the phone and say

Max: hello

Eleven: hi max. We have to talk

Max: uhh... what's wrong

Eleven: nothing but we just need to talk

Max: what is it? *confused*

Eleven: does mike like Will?

Max: uh...I don't know you should ask mike or will

Eleven: oh okay

Max: why did you ask that

Eleven: cause the way they look at each other

Max: I look at you and that doesn't mean I like you
Max's mind: What am I talking about I do like

el and I do look at her and when I do look at

her I get happy

Eleven: oh..okay

Max: but if you want to know Ask will or mike

Eleven:okay I'm going to go now-

Max's  mind: Oh shit why did I say that I do

like her wtf did I say that. I'm so stupid

Eleven's mind: oh she doesn't like me. I thought she would like me back oh shit I'm so mad and sad at the same time

Eleven starts crying

Max's mind: should I call her back? I will call her back

Eleven's mind: oh shit she is calling me back oh fuck. What do I do. But I'm crying

Eleven grabs paper towel and wipes her face

Eleven answers the phone

Max: can w.....w-we han-hang...out

Eleven's mind: should I say yes or no. What do I do. Yes or no yes or no yes or no. You know what I'm going to say yes


Okay this is me not eleven or max but I hope you guys like this one. This one is gonna be better then the byler one. I like this one better already And i know this is a elmax and i made a little byler talk but it's gonna have a little byler but I'm gonna make chapter 2 soon :)

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