Chapter 2

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Max: ca-can we go the movies?

Eleven mind: I already said yes. Should we go the movie?

Eleven: su-sure!

Max: okay right now?

Eleven: u-uh hopper isn't here so I guess we can go now

Max: o-okay.I'm gonna get ready

Eleven: okay. Me to

Eleven hangs up and Max goes up stairs. Max garbs a shirt and puts it on. Then she grabs pants and puts it on

Eleven is already dressed so she just puts on shoes

Max calls her again

Max: You ready?

Eleven: yeah

Max: okay I'm gonna ride my bike

Eleven: oka-okay

1 hour later

Max knocks on the door. Eleven answers the door

Max: you ready

Eleven: ye- yes let's go

Max: okay hope on my bike

Eleven and max rides on Max's bike
1 hour later

Eleven finally we are here

Max: what movie should we watch?

Eleven: u-uh-u-m-um I don't know

Max: u-uh-u-um can we watch IT chapter 2

Eleven: uh-

Max: oh remember when we all watched IT 1 at mikes house

Eleven: oh I remember- ok-okay let's watch that

Eleven's mind: oh what about mike. I don't like him anymore tho. I like max now. I might have to break up with him

Max: okay let's go

Eleven: oh yeah let's go

Eleven and max walk in the movie theater and they got tickets for IT chapter 2 and then walk in the movie screen room and sat down

Max: I heard that this movie is scary

Eleven: the first one was scary

Max: yeah it was

50 minutes ago by

Eleven: AHHHH

Max: eleven are you okay *giggles*

Eleven: this is so scary

Max: want a hug?

Eleven: yes

Eleven wasn't scared at all she just wanted a hug

Max: you okay now

Eleven: yes thanks


Idk what gonna happen in this story but whatever sorry this is a little short.

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