Chapter 3

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Eleven: that movie was so scary yeah

Max: yeah it was

Eleven mind: should I kiss her. This is my chance. Okay I will kiss her

Eleven's leads in and kisses max

Max: uh what was that

Eleven: oh sorry you didn't like it

Max: u-uh-u-um

Max's mind: oh my god! She kissed me. I gonna kiss her back

Max leads in and kisses eleven

Eleven: *giggles* so you did like it

Max: yes I did *giggles*

Eleven's phone rings

Max: who is it

Eleven: mike

Max: oh shit. Why did you kiss me if you guys are dating. Why did I kiss you back if you guys are dating OH SHIT

Eleven: no it fine. I won't answer

Max: Oh fuck what about Lucas

Eleven: didn't you guys break up already

Max: yes but- I don't know

Eleven: it's fine

Eleven's leads in again and kisses max again

Max: wow you are a good kisser *laughs*

Eleven: shut up *giggles*

Max: ca-can you-b-be m-

Eleven cuts her off

Eleven: Are you asking me to be your girlfriend if so YES

Max's mind: is this a dream. Oh my god this can't be happing but it is

Max: oh okay yay- can I sleep over at your house

Eleven: su-sure

Max: okay let's go

Max and eleven hops on Max's bike and ride of to eleven's house

Max: is hopper here

Eleven: no I don't think so

Max: okay let's go in

Max lays on the bed

Max: wait ew this is were you and mike made out EW

Eleven: this can also be the bed that we made out on

Max's mind: oh shit we are dating and now she wants to make out with me. Do I know how to kiss. I think I can kiss. But can I kiss good.

Eleven lead in and makes out with max

Eleven's mind: i can't Believe that I am making out with max

Max's mind; i must be dreaming this is to good

They Heard a knock at the door

Max: oh that must be hopper

Max wipes her lips

Eleven licks her lips

Eleven opens the door

Mike: hey el

Max's mind: oh shit

Eleven: what are you doing here

Mike: I wanted to hang out. I call you earlier but no one answered

Eleven: oh sorry about that

Mike: oh are you guys hanging out

Eleven: yeah

Mike: oh sorry

Eleven: no come mike. Max can you leave?

Max: wait what

Eleven: just go please

Max: oh okay

Max's mind: what was that. Whatever. I guess she doesn't like me anymore

Eleven: come but don't kiss me

Mike: why

Eleven: cause we need to talk

Mike: wh-wha-what is i-it

Eleven: I just don't feel good with you

Mike: what do you mean

Eleven: I just don't feel the same way anymore. I kinda like someone else but I am so sorry. I just don't feel the same way anymore

Mike starts crying

Mike's mind: she doesn't love me anymore

Eleven: oh don't cry please don't cry mike we can still be friends

Mike: wh-who do you l-like

Eleven: I can't tell right now

Mike: fine I'm leaving

Eleven: mike don't be like this

Mike: you don't love me anymore

Eleven: don't say that I just love you as a friend

Mike: just leave me alone

Mike gets on his bike and drives away

Max was down the block

Eleven goes outside for max

Eleven: MAXX



Max walks up the block and goes to eleven

Max: why did you kick me out

Eleven: I had to break up with mike

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