Chapter one: Nallah

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I stand outside the door in anticipation, my suitcases feel heavy as I roll them towards the car. I can't wait to see the first glimpse of my new school, Luna Academy. It was a boarding school that only accepted the thirteen year old blood born daughters of Alpha's and went on until you reached eighteen. But, not every girl got in. You had to write a long essay about your passions, then you had to list your talents and traits. You also had to pass their IQ tests and there were seven of those. All of this to enter the most prestigious school in the wolf shifter community. I come from a large pack in Egypt, but my dad is always sending me away to other countries across the world that its never really felt like home. I only know a few people from the pack, father is too busy to introduce me. Mom has always been disappointed and disapproving about me because I was her first born and a girl. If things were different I would be next in line for the position of Alpha, but there's this huge stereotype that girls can't be Alpha's.

Mother blames me for Dad being so distant towards her. I personally think it's because of something she did wrong. Anyways I thought applying at Luna Academy would not only make my dad proud but my mom proud too. Well, my dad was so proud he finally got me that sewing machine I've wanted for so long so I can finally make my own dresses. My mom however didn't even blink an eye. When I finish putting my suitcases in the trunk I see my three brothers walking towards me. My oldest little brother Marcus, Mark for short who was ten knew better than to cry because I was leaving but I could see in his eyes that he was sad.

"Hey Mark, you know you're gonna be the oldest when I'm gone" I said.

"Yah" Mark replied.

"I'm gonna miss you when I'm gone," I looked at Nathan, Nate for short who was seven and Michael, Mike for short who was five, tears slowly sliding down their cheeks behind him and said "I'm going to miss all of you".

"Will you guys miss me too?" I asked hopefully.

Michael ran up to me and brought me in for a tight hug, Nathan came and wrapped his arms around me as well.

"Come on big guy there's plenty of room for you too" I said to Mark who was still standing alone. He gave me an irritated glare then came up and hugged me too. I held each of them close to me and tears slid out of my eyes. I sniffled and Mark's eyes started to water but he quickly blinked them away.

"Go on you scoundrels, you don't want dad to find you crying your eyes out in public" I said while giggling.

"We weren't crying, we had stuff in our eyes" Nathan said in a raspy voice that gave him away. When I come back for the holidays I'll have to teach him how to lie better.

"Okay, go clear your eyes inside, Mom's probably worried sick about where you are"

"Promise you'll come back to us during the holidays, Nali?" Mark asked me, using my embarrassing nickname.

"Cross my heart and hope to die" I answered using the oath we chose when we were younger. They all hugged me one last time, said their goodbyes then made their way inside.

I waited for my dad to take me to the airport, and from there to Miami, Florida where Luna Academy was located.

A few minutes later my dad came out in all his Alpha glory. His eyes were a cold dark brown, His black hair was gleaming in the sunlight and his smooth toned skin was more toned than usual. The females in the pack are always fawning over him and my mom can barely contain her jealousy and anger sometimes.

"There's my brilliant little angel" he said and strode toward me and enveloped me in a big hug. I knew he was only proud of me and cared because of my achievements and not about who I am, but it still felt good to know that at least one of my parents was glad that I exist.

"Before we drop you off I hope you know what's expected of you when you reach the academy" he inquired

"Yes, baba I-"

"What did I tell you about calling me that Nallah" he growled at me. According  to my aunt baba was my first word and I called my father that all the time. When I turned ten though he made me stop.

"Sorry father, I know what I must do"
"I hope so, you're not the only African pup that was accepted, Tanzania, South Africa, Kenya and Uganda have been accepted as well, and you must show the others that you are better and more superior than they are. All those trips abroad weren't for nothing, they were for your future". He said, his brown eyes boring into me like they could see my soul.

"Even before I was born, you've expected more from me, you wanted a boy but mom gave you a girl. I am your first born. That means I am the strongest of any of your children. If things were different I would be next in line to become Alpha. You're my father and despite your high expectations and demands, your incessant need for me to be just like you, I love you and I will do
everything you ask of me l, so please don't doubt me, I'm not that naive little pup who came crying to you when she fell down the stairs. I'm a future Luna now. I'm stronger and I'm much more special than those prissy pink pups from their prissy little packs". I replied in a rush of unsaid words that I'd longed to spill, but couldn't because no one stands up to an Alpha but an Alpha.

My father's cold brown eyes suddenly slightly softened his mouth surprisingly formed a small smile.

"I knew you'd grow up to be a little spitfire, I was just waiting for flames to sprout out". My father wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tighter than he ever had.

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