Chapter five: Rose

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All the girls in my dorm seem nice. But I learned along time ago that looks can be deceiving. Even the person closest to you can be a traitor. Since it appears my roommate isn't one of the girls I met it's much easier to unpack my stuff.

I started heading towards the common room when I see a girl with blond hair much paler than Taylor's. Her eyes were hazel with a devilish glint in them. She came with a crimson suitcase in her hand.

"Hi do you know where room Crescent01 is?"

"Um yeah, Its my room too come on, I'll show you the way" I offered.

"That'd be awesome sauce"

"What's awesome sauce?"

"Oh just a saying I made up with my old friends back home"

As I started helping her unpack and put her stuff on her side of the room, I found it a bit confusing that a girl like her didn't have friends. I mean she said old, so they're probably not her friends now.

"Hey, you said that they were your old friends, what happened?"

"Well they got a little jealous that I got into this place so we had a few fights and decided to go our separate ways"

"Oh, at least you can make new friends here at Luna Academy"

"Yeah, maybe you can be one of them"

She smiled as she said this and I smiled back. It'd be nice to have friends again, and maybe I only needed just the one.

We made our way towards the common room talking about our families and how life was back home. Of course I didn't reveal everything. I'd never be able to trust anyone with everything.

As we entered I was met with two more new faces. One girl had brown hair so unnaturally light it looked like it seemed to glow with life, her eyes were the colour of fresh leaves in the forest. The other girl had hair the colour of wildfire and eyes that matched the sea. The brunette seemed a bit shy and was hanging at the back only entering the conversation when needed to. Wildfire was hanging back too but it was clear it wasn't because she was shy. In fact the moment she saw us she gave Elizabeth a look so scathing it oozed hatred.

"Do you know that girl?" I asked her, suspecting that there was definitely some bad blood between them.

"Ugghh, yes I do. She used to one of my oldest friends, I had no idea she'd even gotten in to this school"

"So she got jealous of you getting into a school she'd already be going to?" I asked clearly confused about the situation.

"We better sit down for this" She pulled me away from the room to the kitchen on the counter and started to tell me her story.

"Her name is Saoirse she's angry with me because I'm the reason her brother hates her. He had a crush on me and I didn't have one on him back, he asked her to help him make me fall for him but she said she wouldn't interfere. Then he asked me on a date and I tried everything to get rid of him so I told him that she'd said terrible things about him to me and that I couldn't like someone who was that bad as she said he was. I mean I wasn't lying because she did say some negative stuff about him but it wasn't as bad as I made it out to be. After that she blocked my number, made our friends jealous of me and did everything she could to make my life miserable"

For a moment I was speechless. But then I was angry at this girl because she should've shut her brother down the moment he started thinking about Elizabeth. I mean the whole revenge thing was super extra as well. Sure Elizabeth was wrong for what she did but Saoirse was way of line

"She had no right to do that to you"

"No, she did it was all my fault and-

"No I do not want to hear about it, none of it was your fault, she doesn't even deserve to be here if she's that cruel"

"Well I can't face her now, she'll turn everyone against me and then no one like me at this school"

"Not unless she wants to face me she won't, in fact maybe we should make sure the other girls should know who she really is"

"You'd do that for me?"

"Of course,  what are friends for"

She smiled and that was all it took to know I'd made the right choice. We made our way back to the common room except this time Saoirse didn't give us a glare, she didn't even look at us. She was trying to make conversation with the shy girl and Aria. Taylor stepped up when she saw us.

"Thank goodness were all worried where you'd gone, you missed meeting Faiza and Saoirse, although it appears we missed meeting this girl"

"My name is Elizabeth"

"Oh you must be from England am I right?"


"That is so cool, because Saoirse is from Wales and those two places are close right? I think you'll love her, she's so sweet"

"No she won't like Saoirse because they already know each other and Saoirse's a b!tch"

Since we all had heightened wolf hearing everyone heard me including Saoirse, but the only thing she did was take out her phone and start texting someone. Which made me even more angry.

"Go on tell them how you betrayed Elizabeth, turned her friends against her and made her life a living hell"

The girls looked at Saoirse in shock. Good now they know who she really is.

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