Chapter six: Saoirse

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I looked at this girl who was defending Elizabeth as if she even knew her in disgust. So gullible and so ready to believe that tragic tale she spun around.

"Let me guess Elizabeth played the innocent one again didn't she?"

"She doesn't need to play anything it's the truth"

"How do you know she is far from an honest person. I never betrayed Elizabeth, she betrayed me, telling my brother that I said those awful things about him, she knew I didn't have a great relationship with my brother but she said them anyways"

"That gave you no right to torment her"

"I never did the things she told you, our friends asked why I removed Lizzie from my life and I told them the truth, they sided with me in the matter, I never turned anyone against anyone, and tormenting her? I never wanted to see that bitch's face again. I was happy that she was leaving for good but my brother hated me so much he wanted me gone, he convinced my parents that they should send me here, I begged and begged but he was always our parents favourite so they listened to him, I never spoke to Elizabeth after the day she did what she did, I don't know whether our friends are still her friends or if they did something I don't control people. Besides she's the one whose made my life hell and I'm not some idiot trying to get attention like she is, she's playing you because she was scared that I'd tell you what she did and you'd side with her"

"That's not true"

"Why don't you let Elizabeth speak for herself Rose" Aria said

"It doesn't concern you Aria"

"It doesn't concern you either Rose"

"Yes, it does because she's my friend"

"No, she's not, you just met"

After that the room erupted in screaming and shouting. Faiza was trying to calm everyone down but it wasn't working.

Just then a girl walked in. She had chocolate brown hair and warm brown eyes. When she walked in to find the fight she looked angry. She stepped in the center of the room between all the people arguing and shouted in the highest pitch I'd ever heard.

"Shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup!"

It was like her voice went on and on until the rest of us couldn't stand so much we had to cover our ears.

When she was done she coughed, grabbed a glass of water and drank, then she spoke.

"My name is Nallah, now, I don't know what the hell is going on here but I came here to have fun with my dormies not to tear them apart. Whatever feud you guys have right now needs to stop, I mean you guys just met each other, what happened"

We all laid down the story one by one. It felt like we did something bad and were caught by the principal, so we had to explain.

After we explained everything she looked at all of us and tsked. She stood up and pointed her finger at Rose.

"You had no right to be involved in this"

Rose got red in the cheeks and looked like she was about to clobber Nallah but before she could do or say anything Nallah had turned around and faced Elizabeth.

"The disagreement was between you and Saoirse alone so don't use people as a pin cushion to fight your own battles"

I smirked as Elizabeth's cheeks turned red and her jaw dropped with her mouth hanging open like a dead fish.

She faced everyone else except me.

"As for the rest of you, their fight had nothing to do with you, you shouldn't have gotten so worked up for nothing, now if you guys are done I think we should watch a movie"

As we all took our seats I saw an angry Rose make her way to Nallah, she pulled her aside towards the kitchen and I decided to follow them. I mad the excuse of going to the bathroom and the others didn't think anything of it because they were too immersed in whatever they were watching.

I made my way to the kitchen and hid behind the door. Thanks to my heightened wolf hearing I could still hear what they were saying.

"Listen I don't know who you think you are but-

Rose was interrupted mid-sentence by Nallah's laughter.

"Did you really think bringing me here would intimidate me? Please, besides Elizabeth is just using you as her pin cushion so she doesn't get hurt"

"No, you're wrong she's different"

"Whatever, she'll betray you anyways and by then they'll be no one left to help you" .

"I'm not the only one who's delusional, you didn't scold Saoirse and she was just to blame as everyone else, you were biased and unfair"

"Gosh you sound like a seven year old, I didn't say anything to Saoirse because unlike Elizabeth she was the one betrayed, I know how that feels like and it's not pretty, so I'm warning you right now not to mess with me or anyone else in this dorm including Saoirse"

"Why do you care? You just got here like the rest of us"

"The difference between you and me is that I value loyalty, and judge people on what they do and not how they seem"

I ran from the kitchen and went back to the common room.

Nallah was the first to come back and she took a seat next to me, I smiled at her grateful that at least someone had stood up for me for once.

Rose never came back so Elizabeth said she was gonna go check on her. When the movie ended we played board games and talked about ourselves. We laughed at a joke that Marinette told us and Taylor laughed so hard she fell out of her seat.

When it was midnight we all said our good nights and headed to our rooms. I was hoping that Nallah would be my roommate but it turned out to be Taylor, I was so tired I fell asleep the moment my head hit the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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