Halloween, Dementors And Nightmares

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The Slytherin common room was unusually noisy one evening. Keira, Rowan and Barnaby sat together next to a window. Rowan was checking Keira and Barnaby's homework for them. Though Rowan was pleased with Keira's, it was the opposite for the burly boy.

While Rowan was teaching Barnaby, Keira manage to pick up one of the sixth-year students conversation nearby.

"...a Dementor? On Hogwarts grounds?"

As of Morning the following day, Hogwarts received breaking news regarding Dementors attack. A third-year and a first-year was found laying on the Training Grounds before Filch found them.

There were also rumors of Dementors sighting, which prompted the talk about Dementors between the sixth-year students in the Slytherin common room yesterday.

It was on Halloween week when the news regarding Dementors attacks were spread like wildfire. Thus, inflicted greater fear amongst the students. Especially a fellow Gryffindor, Ben Copper, who has decided that he'd curl up under his covers, and never come out.

But on the day of Halloween itself, Hogwarts' Great Hall was very crowded. Delicious smell of baking pumpkin wafting in the air as Keira and Rowan arrived there for the Halloween feast. It looked as though the news about the Dementors attack never happened. (Even Ben Copper shows up at the feast)

Teachers weren't at the feast, to everyone's confusion and delight

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Teachers weren't at the feast, to everyone's confusion and delight. Keira and Rowan sat down at the Slytherin table, helping themselves with roast chicken when suddenly a shrieked erupted.


It was a sixth-year Ravenclaw student, Phineas Chapman who sat the nearest to the Great Hall entrance, yelling from his seat. Everyone in the hall startled.

Ben, with a mouthful of butterbeer, spit out the drink and sprayed onto Jae Kim's face in front of him. At the same time, all eyes were concentrated at a black figure that appeared to be moving towards the Great Hall entrance at full speed.

In an instant, an uproar started with every students running around the hall while lifting up their robes. Some were running while holding a plate of baked potatoes. The prefects were yelling, telling the students to hide in the Chamber off the Great Hall.

"Lots of you, run towards the Chamber! Run to the Chamber!"

Barnaby Lee was about to run towards the safe place while lifting up the Slytherin table when Rowan stopped him from doing so. In the beginning, Keira and Rowan were shocked too but when both of them look closely at the black figure, they sat back down calmly and witnessing chaos going on around them. Why all of them are still running? Have they not notice it by now?


The 'Dementor' yelled, standing at the entrance of Great Hall with a scowl on his face.

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