Chapter 4

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He woke up just before the sun rose and made his coffee, he decided to sit on the front steps while sipping it - still very hot, when his attention was caught by his tenant neighbor and he almost spit it.

His tenant is running, clad in a sports jacket with zippers open and running shorts, showcasing her toned body - but not to the point of being muscular, it still looks like a woman's body, especially with her well-endowed chest and perky butt. But what really caught his attention is her legs that seem to go on forever, that he started imagining it wrapped around his body while they are doing - he shook his head to clear his mind from that idea. He took a deep breath before turning his head at his tenant and he mentally fired a series of obscenities at what he saw, his tenant is cooling down on her front yard, bending and stretching her body.

How would her body feels against him while she is writhing? The thought came and he quashed the idea in an instant. Claire will have his hide if she learn he had any lustful thoughts with her employee and that is her major rule, her employees are off limits from him and his brothers.

So, he decided to stand up and went inside his house. It is okay watching her as his entertainment, but lusting after her is a big no, no - a simple and easy task to do, he thought, but will his body follow what his mind decided to do?

He decided to be firm in what he had set to do, and that is, to stay away from his tenant, but maybe, fate has another choice for him. Because in the next days that came, their paths frequently crosses and he cannot help but be irritated to no end, just like today. The twins, Nate and Ally, his eldest brother's spawn, had pleaded him with their puppy eyes and charms to accompany them to the bookstore - Claire's bookstore to be precise - where his tenant, Beatriz is working as it's manager.

He refuses at first but when he saw Ally's misty eyes and Nate's dejected face, his heart was crushed. He maybe a beast in the ring and on mission, but with his family, especially with children, he is as soft as a cuddly toy. So against his better judgement, he went with them.

"Where are your parents?" he asked, making sure not to let his irritation show on his voice.

"They went to the doctor." - Nate answered.

"Because the baby on Momma's tummy must be checked." - Ally followed.

"Hmmmm...and what are you going to buy in the store?"

"Ahmmmm...just some stuff." Ally said, smiling sweetly at him on the rearview mirror. Now, why does her smile made him on edge, as if something is about to happen? Something that he may or may not like.

"We're here." he informed the twins, and Ally exclaimed with glee. They removed their own seatbelt and are ready to ran off by the time he opened the car door. Good thing Ellie, their mother, properly instilled to them not to get off from the car, unless their adult companion opened the door.

He followed them inside, he noticed the stares and the gasps from the women, both young and old as well as the whispers, not being bashful, but it always happen. Him and his brothers are already used to it, so he didn't mind it one bit and just focused on the children he came with. He thought they will be going to the shelves for books or some coloring/drawing items, but his brows furrowed when they went to the stairs going up.

'They're going to the manager's office?' He took a deep breath and followed them in a slower pace - too slow, much to his annoyance, he just hopes that the manager isn't around.

But his prayer was unheard when he heard a woman's laugh and saw her with the kids inside the office. She is wearing a white, flowy, deep v-neck blouse with buttons in the front, a brown slacks and dark brown, peep-toe flat sandals. Her straight, jet black hair flowing freely on her back, but what really caught his attention is the wide smile and the melodic laugh she is wearing while talking animatedly with the twins, a smile he seldom see on her, more so because she doesn't give that smile to him, not at all.

The Chameleon and The Beast - Anderson Family Series Book 3Where stories live. Discover now