Chapter 9

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Everything is quiet, as it should be at one o'clock in the morning, but Ollie is wide awake, watching all the shadows and listening to every sound. He has been waiting for several hours already, his body is waiting in anticipation - like a coiled spring, about to be released. It's been more than a year since he felt this kind of energy, and he is welcoming it.

'Maybe they won't come,' he said to himself, but he know better, the agency will not rest until something is done.

Fifteen minutes more, he heard it, more like felt it, like a soft breeze - someone finally came.

He got up from sitting on the chair in the corner, took his knife, inserted it in his right boot and slowly walked to where the person is. Leaving the lights off, he navigated his house, he found him on his room, stealthily rummaging his cabinets.

'This one is good,' he will give it to him - the guy is sneaky and quiet, like a cat. He noticed, with the little light coming from the window, that the person, though tall, is small.

'Did they hire a teenager?' he asked himself, brows furrowing while still observing the man, shifting from one place to another looking for those damn papers. Good thing he hid it somewhere else.

Bored to death in observing the trespasser, he approached quietly, knife still strapped on his right boot. The skills he honed for so many years, now surfacing.

He was about to grab the man's arm when the said man suddenly turn around and dodged him.


'Damn it! Where is it?' she's been looking for several minutes, going from one cabinet to another, but no sign of any documents or papers.

"Still nothing? Maybe he hid it somewhere." She heard Amber's voice on the listening device on her ear.

'Shit! He is here!' she mentally shouted. She felt that she is being watched, how come she didn't noticed him approaching.

'Mierda! Mierda!' she shouted in her head. She knows that there is a high percentage that he will sense her, but she doesn't want to face him. His skills is legendary in the agency. Though, she has been with the agency longer than him, they haven't worked together, but she heard and knows about his skills and intelligence.

Not giving away anything, she proceeded in looking for the documents, but all her guards are up. Awhile later, she felt him move, not because he made a noise or something, he is really quiet, like a phantom, and it scares her. She is on guard that is why she sense him, otherwise she will not notice his movement. He is dangerous than her mentor and she admired her mentor more than anyone.

Only a foot away, she turned and dogded him. Now facing him, she assessed her surroundings, and she internally cursed when she noticed that she somewhat let herself be cornered.

Left with no option, she attacked him with the sole purpose of escaping.

She kicked him, or tried to kick him, on his shin, but he was able to block it. She attempted another one, now, on his side, but he blocked it as well. Left with no other choice, she swung and kick him in different parts of his body - in quick succession, but he dodged them all.

'Damn it!'


'This one is really good.' Ollie muttered to himself. Though, he was able to block and dodge all of his attacks, he can feel the power of every blow. It was calculating but deadly to someone who doesn't have the knowledge and skills in fighting.

He saw the person made another fighting stance, so he readied himself. Blow after blow, punch after punch, kick after kick, he blocked, dodged and delivered punch and kick as well, but like him, the person also skillfully countered everything he threw. He knows that his room is thrashed with all the commotion they are doing, but he doesn't care. He needed to know this person and what was the real order given, that is why he is not throwing a deadly blow - he needed him alive.

The Chameleon and The Beast - Anderson Family Series Book 3Where stories live. Discover now