Chapter 13

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"Comm check," Amber's voice rang through the ear piece she attached on her right ear.

"Loud and clear," she answered.

"Camera's good," Amber's confirmation of the cameras are the last of their preparation. She is currently in one of the many toilets in this mansion where the party will be held, that James hired her to be a bartender.

She already changed into a fitted button-down shirt and black pants, and attached the camera on the hole, disguised as a button. They are glad that the equipments was able to pass through the guards without hassle - the inspection was strict and tedious; smuggling those are one of the things they thouroughly planned.

"Are you okay?" Monica's voice interrupted her musing, her voice held a slight tremble, a clear evidence of the nerve that she also feels at the moment.

"Yeah, I'm fine, why did you ask?" she said while re-applying her make-up.

"You know, maybe you are still sore because of your rendezvous last night," Monica's teasing voice made her chuckle.

"Stop teasing Monica. I am not sore, whatsoever," she said while fixing and checking the curls of her wig.

"Are you sure you are not?" Monica continued and she welcomes the distraction that her teasing brought.

"I am not." she answered deadpanned.

"Hmmm...Fine, fine, I'll stop," she can just imagine Monica's dejected face which made her smile. She knows that this is her friend's way of releasing her anxiety. They both know that their mission tonight should not fail, and the pressure is getting to them both, especially for her friend. It may look like she is the forefront of their job, because she is physically present in every mission, but the truth is, it is harder for her friend since it is her task to make sure that she is alive and be able to escape if all plans fail, she is her eye on the ground.

"But really, how was it?" Monica asked after awhile, clearly curious.

"It was...magical," she answered, a little breathless.

"That good, huh?" her friend asked.

"You know...I actually never experienced those things you described while you did the act with Joaquin's father...except last night," she said with a faraway glance.

"I am glad Beatriz, with everything that you had experience before..." with her friend's comment, they both fell into silence.

"Hmmmm... I will say no more." Monica's abrupt statement made her alert, it is time.

She checked her appearance once more on the mirror, before she went out of the toilet.

"Hello, I am one of the bartender that Mr. James hired for tonight's party, can you show me the way to the bar, please," she approached one of the servants roaming about, who then lead the way to the pool area where the makeshift bar was set-up. When she approached the area, she saw that two more bartenders are present one male and one female.

The woman approached her and introduced herself.

"Hi, my name is Wanda and that is Steve," while pointing to the man who waved at her. "You can put your things here," the woman said while opening one of the cabinets.

"I didn't get your name," the woman said to her tentatively.

"Oh, sorry, my name is Selene," she said while putting her bag away, before stretching out her hand, "nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." Wanda said while accepting her hand for a shake.

"Your first time here?" Wanda said after sometime.

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