Planetarium Opening Ceremony

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Well, this was it. Open evening at the museum where we would re-open the planetary exhibit to the public, and Dad was freaking out.

He was running around aimlessly, yeling at random exhibits as they prowled/strolled/rode/crawled around depending on whether they were the animals, the Miniatures or the Neanderthals, Teddy and Sacagawea, or the Military Men. 

"Dad, calm down," I sang, somewhat embarassed at the idea that I was related to this maniac of a man, at the moment.

"Can't do that, Nadia," he sang back, clearly mocking me mocking him, which I didn't like, rolling my eyes and sauntering off.

"Oh by the way," I called over my shoulder, "You should pass by the Neanderthal exhibit soon!"

There was a pause before; "Why does everyone keep saying that?!?!"

I sniggered as I turned the corner, satisfied at having frustrated him further.

"Nadia!" I heard a voice yell from below.

I looked down and, thankfully, I was nowhere near stepping on Jed and Octavius, so they must want something.

I bent down to let them hop onto my hand before placing them on a bar at my eye level.

"Hey guys," I smiled brightly at them.

"What's up with Gigantor?" Jed asked in a whisper.

"He's just stressing out about this opening night- I don't actually know why he's yelling at so many people... he only needs Teddy, Dexter, and the Constellations..." I pondered to myself.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Jed interrupted my thoughts, "So what's happening to us?"

"Erm, I'd assume.... stay back here and be quiet?" I guessed, shrugging.

"Sounds like a plan," Jed agreed.

"Wonderful, now could you please maybe get us down from such a height as this?" Octavius wondered, looking warily over the edge of the bar at the six foot drop below.

I chuckled before letting them hop onto my hand again before I gently placed them back on the floor.

My head snapped up though, when I heard a massive crash that sounded like bones on floor... Rexy.

Jed and Octavius looked up at me for my reaction once they had finished looking toward the source of the noise.

"Erm.... I'll see you two later," I promised before rushing off as fast as my heels could carry me, and at a speed where my purple, floor length dress wouldn't trip me up.

Rounding the corner into the African Animals section, I saw Rexy laying on the floor, whining like a wounded dog. 

I jogged over to him.

"Awww Rexy! What's up buddy?" I asked, as encouraging as I could possibly be.

"Erm, I do believe he rounded the corner at such an incredible speed that he fell," said Ahkmenrah, who had clearly escaped my Dad for his lecture on how important tonight was.

I turned back to Rexy; "Did you fall, buddy?"

He nodded his great head once, still whining.

I reached into his ribcage and snapped the 'fetch' bone from it, before waving it in front of his hollow eye sockets.

"Come on, buddy. Look what I've got. You gonna get the bone?" I cooed, still waving it.

His head perked up slightly and before I knew it, he had jumped to his feet and was waving his long tail madly, panting like a dog.

"Look at the bone," I encouraged, "Nowwwww...... FETCH!" I cried, throwing the bone as hard as I could, and watching the great dinosaur chase after it eagerly.

I smiled to myself, gave Ahkmenrah a quick nod, and then exited the exhibit.

I was on my way to wish Teddy good luck... that was until I passed the Neanderthal exhibit.

Dad was face to face with the new caveman, and looked none too pleased.

"Yeah... you look like me because the guys thought it'd be funny to base one of the figures after me..." Dad explained, reluctantly, clearly not having been amused by the idea.

"Da.... Da," the Caveman said, and Dad's head snapped up.

"No.... no Da Da," he said, "No, I'm not your Dad!"

But the caveman wasn't having it, and he just continued to say Da Da, which had me in hysterics!

I was practically on the floor with laughter before Dad heard me and turned around.

"I'm HER Da Da," he explained, jabbing his finger in my direction, "Not your's," he clarified to the caveman, by the name of Laaa, apparently.

"Her Da Da?" asked the Neanderthal.

"YES!" Dad yelled, triumphantly.

"Sis... ter," Laaa, cried before running at me and gathering me in a bonecrushing hug.

"Hi," I managed to choke out as the air slowly left my lungs.

After Dad had managed to pry Laaa off me, I gasped in air, before forcing a smile, and making a hasty retreat towards the front reception to see Teddy.

When everybody had finally settled down and taken their seats in the massive Planetarium Hall, Teddy was sent out to do his thing.

He spoke like you'd imagine a proper American President to, and everyone around, oblivious to the fact that he was actually alive, was in awe at how real he looked. Then he introduced the Constellations, and even I gasped at the sheer beauty of them as they twinkled around in the air, as Teddy named them all.

I smiled like a proud mother though, when Dexter did his acrobatics routine and aced it completely.

Then something weird happened.

I was stood across the room from Dad, so I knew it wasn'tjust me who noticed Teddy.... malfunction...

He started saying all his catchphrases, yet repeating them like a broken record, glitching his way through his speech.

Things didn't stop there though

The constellations, that had already come to life for their routine, were attacking the audience, the hunter constellation aiming his arrows at them mercilessly.

Then Dexter screamed to life, and started acting like an actual wild animal, leaping down from his tumbling ribbon thing and attacking the audience, causing people to jump from their seats in fright.

Those things were nothing compared to how things went dowhill from there though.

Atilla the Hun raged in, axe raised, and started hacking into the ice-dolphin structure, but Rexy charging in, standing on nearly everything and roaring at everyone probably topped it all off, and had the audience running for the exits!

I ran too.... upstairs to lock myself in a cleaning cupboard to rock back and forth in terror...

I thought I knew these people, and these creatures, but this was a side of them I had never seen before, and it terrified me...

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