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Seokjin's POV

When I woke up, my head was pounding. I refused to open my eyes, knowing I was only going to be met with a bright light. I already knew where I was, I can recognize that awful smell from anywhere.

I felt around my head, feeling some gauze and bandages on my head.

"You're gonna have a pretty nice scar." I suddenly heard. I sighed, already knowing who it was without opening my eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I had to make sure you didn't hit your head and die." Detective Wang said.

I let out humorless laugh and turned my head. "Part of me wishes I did." I said.

"Don't say that." He said, his tone turning serious. "Do you know how scared Jimin and Hoseok were? Thinking that you were dead from all the blood that bled out of your head?" He asked me. "It took an hour to calm them down enough to have me drive them over to the hospital that their brothers are in." He told me. "Those kids love you, Seokjin, they would've been devastated if they lost you." He added.

I opened my eyes ever so slightly, looking over at them with tears in my eyes. "Then why do I feel like they're better off without me now? I couldn't even save them from that monster, so why even go on?" I said.

"Everything that happened was out of your control, no one is sitting here and putting the blame on you, Seokjin." He said. "You did everything you possibly could to save your boys, that's what a real parent would've done. If it wasn't for you knowing where Namjoon could've possibly taken them, things could've ended up a lot worse." He said, moving his chair closer and patting my shoulder. "Don't beat yourself up over this, everything is going to be just fine in the end, everything feels shitty and feels like it'll never get better, but it will, trust me." He said softly.

I was quiet, letting everything he was saying sink into his mind. I looked over at him, tears running down his face. "Are the boys okay?" I finally asked.

"Jimin and Hoseok are fine, just overwhelmed by everything. Jungkook has a few broken ribs and a broken nose, but he should have a pretty good recovery. Yoongi....I didn't hear anything about him yet, but hopefully I do soon." He said. "Until then, just relax and let me handle everything, okay?" He said, patting my shoulder again.

I was going to ask about Namjoon, but Detective Wang's phone started ringing, making him excuse himself and leaving the room.

While he was gone, I had time to think about everything that happened. Why was I so dumb to think that this wouldn't happen? Why didn't I go with my gut feeling and just left with the boys? We could've been happy somewhere else, we could've had a much normal life, but no, my lawyer gave me a whole speech saying 'moving away from here means that he won, stand your ground and show him how brave you are' and a bunch of other bullshit that fooled me into thinking Namjoon would never come back to hurt me.

After a few minutes, Detective Wang came back inside and looked at me.

"I have some good news and bad news about Yoongi." He started, sitting in the same chair he was sitting in before. "Good news, he's alive. Bad news..." he paused and took a deep breath before finally saying it. "The bullet did hit his spine and did do some damage...which means he lost function in his legs and he'll never be able to walk again." He said, looking at me at see my reaction.

I was silent, a bunch of different thoughts and emotions running through my head. I was happy and relieved that Yoongi was alive, but I was also angry, no scratch that, furious that thanks to Namjoon, Yoongi will never walk again.

I looked at Detective Wang, my face totally blank from any emotion.

"I want that son of a bitch to die in prison, I don't want him to ever smell or even feel fresh air ever again." I said. "I'll never forgive him, ever, not even when I'm dead. He hurt my babies and that's when I'm no longer afraid, I'm furious." I said. "Don't bother giving him a death sentence, left him suffer behind bars, let him really think about what he's done." I said, tears of both anger and sadness running down my face.

Detective Wang nodded and put a hand on my arm. "I'll do everything in my power to give him what he deserves." He said before standing up. "Also, someone is here to see you." He told me.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Who?"

He walked over to open the door. I looked at saw Minhyuk come in.

"Jinnie, oh my god, are you okay? Are the boys okay?" He asked, obviously very worried.

"I'm fine, everything is fine for the most part." I said.

"For the most part? Why do you say that?"

I took a deep breath, really not wanting to repeat everything I heard. "Taehyung has a broken finger, Jungkook had a few broken ribs and a broken nose, and Yoongi..." I stopped, trying my best not to cry anymore, but it was so hard when I was filled with so much emotion. "Yoongi won't be able to walk ever again." I said, closing my eyes and soon crying softly.

Minhyuk was beyond speechless, I didn't blame him though, what exactly do you say to your friend that just found out that his son will never walk again?

"Jinnie....I'm so sorry." He finally said.

"That fucking monster, he took something from him that he's never going to get back, all I want now is to see him dead." I said.

Minhyuk just nodded, still a bit speechless. "I know, bestie, one of these days, he's going to get what he deserves." He said softly, taking my hand and giving it a squeeze.


I was thinking about something, but before I say it, don't get too excited, it's just a thought. What if I made a third and final book to this story? I already have some ideas in mind, but I'm still thinking about it.

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