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Seokjin's POV

I didn't want to watch or hear anything that Namjoon had to say. I know he's guilty and everyone else has to know he was guilty, there's too much proof to show that he doesn't deserve to ever step foot out of prison.

Since Mark had to actually go out there and speak to Namjoon, we couldn't leave yet, so while Mark talked to Namjoon in the courtroom, we stayed in the room and just waited.


Namjoon's POV

"It's nice to finally meet you, my husband has told me a lot about you." Mark said to me.

"I hope they were good things." I said sarcastically.

"Sure, we'll go with that." Mark said with an equal amount of sarcasm in his tone. "Anyways, enough small talk, lets get down to business." He said, leaning back against the table that he's been sitting at through the whole day. "How did you break out of prison?" He asked.

"Objection, your honor! That's not what we're here to talk about!" Mr. Lee called out.

"We don't know that yet, Mr. Lee." The judge said before giving Mark a nod to keep going.

"Thank you, your honor." Mark said before looking back at me. "Well, how did you do it?" He asked again.

"Now why would I tell you that, Mr. Wang? That's one of my deepest darkest secrets." I said with a chuckle.

"Aww come on, Namjoon, one little secret won't hurt anyone." He said.

"Let's just say that I may have had some help here and there, but I mostly did it all by myself." I said.

"Help from who?"

"Well that's one of the secrets I can't tell, Mr. Wang, those people may get in trouble or fired, and they do go by that one saying in prison. Hmm, what was it again? Oh yeah, 'snitches get stitches'."

"What makes you think you're going to the same prison you were in last time?"

"I know I'm not, but once you're labeled as a snitch, you'll always be seen as the snitch, no matter which prison you go to. I've seen people get killed in the most gruesome way possible for snitching, so I think I'll keep my mouth shut on this one." I said in a very serious tone.

"Alright, thats fine, I thought I would do it the easy way by asking you, but I already got the answers right here." Mark said, holding up a small stack of papers. "These are letters that I got from inmates and security guards that helped you escape prison. A lot of them were more than willing to help when they found out that they could get in serious trouble for helping you." He said, putting the papers down on the table. "I would love to sit here and read all of them, but we would be here all day and I do have a husband and children to go home to." He said to me.

"Those could all be lies, an inmate will say and do anything to make sure they don't get in trouble." I said, getting angry.

"Oh? So one of them lied about beating up a security officer and stole their uniform to give to you?" He asked. "Or what about the 'lie' about giving two inmates two packs of cigarettes each to stage a fight in the lunch room, so you could easily walk out of the front doors of the prison building?" He added. "Or what about the 'lie' about you doing sexual favors to have all the cameras temporarily turned off for thirty minutes? I can happily go on if you like." He added once more.

"I rather you not do that." I said, keeping my calm, but still looking angry.

"That's fine by me, because we have more to discuss." Mark said before getting off the table. "So you got someone to get you a getaway car and enough money to last until you got back into town. What happened next?" He asked.

"I broke into this old couple's house, tied them up, and took over their home until I didn't have to anymore." I said.

"Oh yes, I was hoping you would say that, because that old couple died of starvation after being left in their own basement for a whole month."  He said.

I shrugged. "They were gonna die anyways." I said with no remorse in my voice.

"Of course you would say that." Mark said before poking at me. "But that's not why we're here today, thats something you'll have to come back to court for another day. We're here about the thing you did to Seokjin and those boys. Care to tell everyone what your plan was?"  He asked.

"You explain everything so well, Mr. Wang, why don't you explain to everyone." I said.

"No, I think they should hear it from you."

"Well, if I must." I started. "My first plan was to kidnap Jungkook and then call Seokjin, demanding him that we become a family again, or else Jungkook would be dead. But of course, that plan failed." I explained. "So my next plan was to find out who would be the police officer to watch over their house. Once I found out, I followed him home, snuck into his house, stole one of his uniforms and everything that came with it, and then made him take me to the police station to get a police car." I finished.

"I see, did you force Officer Lee to get in the car with you?"

"I forced him to get in the backseat of the car, that way, he wouldn't be able to try and attack me. That's when I drove the car to a secret area and...got rid of him." I said with a smile.

"Hmm, as much as I would love to hear what you did to Officer Lee, you'll have your day in court about that as well." Mark said before leaning against the table again. "What's next?"

"And then I waited for the right time to put the plan in motion." I said.

Mark nodded. "Alright then, so once the plan was in motion, which I'm assuming was about a couple weeks later, what happened then?"

"That's when everything happened, each of them just told you the story, I'm sure my version isn't very different."

"You're right, it's probably not very different." Mark said, walking a little closer to Namjoon. "We don't need to hear your version of that day anyways, I just wanted the jury to hear how mentally disturbed you were." He said before looking at the judge. "No further questions, your honor, I'm done with him." He said before going back to the table.

I was taken back to the room I was in earlier, waiting to be brought back out there again to hear whether I'm guilty or not guilty. I know I'm guilty, so they might as well just take me to wherever they wanna take me now, but I guess that's not how it works.


One more chapter and then the epilogue, get ready to say your goodbyes to this story, because it's almost over :(

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