Stolen Flower

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AN: This is a VERY old story I've dug out of my archive on one of the other fanfiction sites... I first published this 16 years ago on FF. net... and finished it 3 years later... I've never posted anything here on Wattpad, but several good writers friends have spoken highly about this place... have had an account for some time now, only for reading... will post more over time, and got several things to show the readers in here... hope you like this... it's a bit dark and angsty in the beginning... (PS: lord am I happy for Grammarly looking over this... it picked out one of my OLD grammar mistakes with "where/were"... English is not my native language so there might be more mistakes... ;) )


The great doors to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry burst open and a large group of young adults ran out into the green fields that surrounded the school. They all headed for the same destination, Hogsmeade, and they all had one thing in mind: school was over, no more homework, no more exams. It was the seventh year students who had just finished their last exams and had a whole day to celebrate in the little village near their school, before the feast the next day.

A small group of girls headed for the Three Broomsticks; they found a vacant table and ordered their drinks. They all chattered about the great feeling it was not having any more homework. Among the girls was a redheaded girl, who didn't say much; she had her mind on what was going to happen tomorrow and who would be at the party.

"Hey, Ginny, what do you want to do when you get home?" Susan asked the redheaded girl sitting next to her. But Ginny was far away in her thoughts and didn't hear the question. Susan poked Ginny's side, while the other girls giggled a little.

"Oh sorry Su, I didn't hear what you said," Ginny mumbled and went pink in the face. One of the other girls giggled again and exclaimed: "Wonder who you are thinking of, girl? Who could it be, I wonder? Could it be a certain young man whose name is Harry Potter?"

This made Ginny's face even redder, even though she knew that it was well known among her friends that she sort of fancied that particular person. But she was also aware of the fact that in the past year she and Harry had kept their relationship low key because they had both decided that having an intimate relationship when living so far apart would never work. As so she had now spent an entire year trying hard to concentrate on her schoolwork and also thinking about how wonderful it would be when they could finally be together.

Harry had finished his last year at Hogwarts last summer, and she still had had one year to go. It had been that summer when he had finally seen her as something else than just his best mate's baby sister. But it had also been that summer when he'd had to face the most difficult task in all his life, facing Voldemort for the last fight, which came to be a huge fight that had almost cost him his life. It was her love for him that had helped him to come through the summer and to deal with his tumult of emotions after the battle had ended. She had been patient with him and understood that he had been through some difficult times. Their love for one another had blossomed that summer, but as for now, they were "only" very good friends, who happened to be in love with one another. Some months after she had started her last year, Harry had gotten a contract with the Chudley Cannons Quidditch team as the Seeker. This had thrilled her brother Ron greatly, as that particular team was his favorite Quidditch team. Now that Voldemort was dead, Harry had not seen the point in starting a career as an Auror.

"Oh shut up, will you, I was only thinking of tomorrow, I can't wait to see my family again," Ginny said with a half-smile, still blushing slightly.

"Come on, Gin, you can't hide from us that you also thought about Harry, we all know that you're in love with him and you can't wait to get home to be with him. We have seen all the owls that you get from him," Susan told her, with a smile in her voice.

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