Happy Moments

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About this chapter: there is one significant thing that I have changed in this story that doesn't match J.K Rowlings world, but since this story was started in 2004 before HBP was published I wanted it to be the way I have written here and planned for so long. You'll know what I talk about when you have read the chapter:-)

Remember to review. PLEASE:-) Make me a happy writter :-) S


CHAPTER 8: Happy moments.

Harry was nearly pacing a hole in the carpet in Ron's old room at the Burrow. And recently he had also started biting his fingers in nervousness. When Ron peeked into the room to see if Harry was ready, he couldn't help but shake his head in amusement. Ron had never seen Harry this nervous not even when he was about to ask Mr. and Mrs. Weasley permission to marry Ginny. That day had been a day to remember, because Harry had spent the whole morning worrying about what they would say, he had almost driven Ron mental with his anxiety. Only after continuous guarantees from Ron that his parents would be thrilled beyond words to have Harry as their son-in-law, had Harry finally gone to the Burrow.

"Hey mate, if you don't want to buy mum and dad a new carpet you better stop now, or you'll soon wear the carpet down." Ron laughed and walked into the room.

Harry stopped and tried to calm himself down, rubbing his face with his hands.

"Why do I have to be so nervous? I mean, I shouldn't be... should I?" Harry sighed and leaned against Ron's old desk.

"No you shouldn't be nervous, you know this is right, and so does everyone in my family by the way. They are all happy and pleased that you're finally marrying our baby sister." Ron patted Harry on the shoulder and looked outside the window. Here he could see that the final touches were made on the lawn, a few chairs and flower ornaments were straightened so everything would be ready for the wedding of the century. The wedding of Harry Potter "the-man-who-killed-Voldemort". This was something that no one wanted to miss. But both Harry and Ginny had wanted their wedding to be as quiet as possible. So every available person from the Ministry of Magic who was skilled in charms had worked hard to set up charms and protection shields to no one uninvited would come to the Burrow.

Harry just nodded and started to pace again. Ron shook his head once more and decided to just leave Harry alone. When he walked out of the door he met Remus, and said, "You try and see if you can get him to calm down a bit, before we have to be down at the wedding. He's almost gone barmy if you ask me."

"I'll see what I can do. Then you could go down and reassure your mother that we've got everything under control up here. I think she is going bonkers as well, but I guess that's just something women do when they are at a wedding." Remus laughed and clasped Ron on the shoulder.

Ron laughed as well, thinking that if his mother's state of mind at the moment was anything like when Bill and Fleur got married then he had a pretty good idea how she was right now. Then again, it could be worse this time, as it was now her only daughter that was going to be married. Ron said that he would see Remus and Harry downstairs, when the wedding would begin.

When Remus entered the room he chuckled to himself, it was as if he had seen this image before. A tousled haired young man wearing glasses, pacing up and down the floor, and now and then he would run a shaking hand through his hair, making it stand up even more.

"You know who you look like right now Harry?"

Harry stopped shortly and asked, "No who would that be?" then he started pacing again.

"Your father the day he married your mother. He was just as nervous as you look right now, if not more." Remus walked over to Harry and stopped his walking by putting a gentle hand on his shoulder.

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