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CHAPTER 6: Heartache

The next morning Hermione woke up with a start. At first she was confused by the noise that had woken her up. She thought that it could've been the ghoul in the attic that had woken her, but as her senses woke up a bit more, she realized that it was a wailing noise from the doorway that had roused her.

Hermione groaned and really just wished that she had not let Ginny run off in the middle of the night. She knew that she could not lay there forever and pretend that she had not heard Mrs. Weasley cry out in the doorway.

"Where is Ginny? Where is my baby girl?"

Reluctantly Hermione rolled over and faced Mrs. Weasley. The older woman had a panicked look on her face. With a sigh Hermione got up and retrieved the letters lying on Ginny's desk. Then she gave them to Mrs. Weasley with shaking hands. She didn't want to be on the receiving end of the well known wrath of Mrs. Weasley, but she had made a promise to a dear friend for whom she hoped that everything would work out in life. And if she needed to leave for a few weeks to get that then it had to be that way.

Mrs. Weasley looked wearily at the letters in her hand; the one on the top was addressed to Harry so she placed that on Ginny's desk again and opened the one for her and Mr. Weasley.

Hermione didn't really know what Ginny had written but she could read the many emotions that surfaced on Mrs. Weasley's face as she read her daughter's words: shock, anxiety, bewilderment and a bit of fear.

Mrs. Weasley had to read the letter a few times before she really comprehended what her daughter was trying to tell them. It seemed as if she had decided that leaving her family and loved ones would be the best remedy to get over what she had been through. In some part of her mind it didn't really make any sense at all, but her daughter's words plainly stated that this was what she needed to do.

"Mom, dad, you have to understand that I need to work through a lot of things in my life, and I don't really think that I'll be able to do that when I'm at the Burrow. Please know that I love you all very much and I would never question the love which I have felt all my life."

While Mrs. Weasley reread the letter again she couldn't help the small tears running from her eyes. She had hoped that being with her family would help Ginny get over everything.

Mr. Weasley came into the room and when he saw his wife's tears he hugged her briefly and asked why she was so upset. Mrs. Weasley sniffed and gave the letter to her husband.

After reading the letter Mr. Weasley simply said, "Oh my!"

"Yes, it's horrible; I don't know what we have done wrong. Why couldn't we help her get through this?" Mrs. Weasley cried out.

At this Hermione felt that she needed to say something that would help them understand.

"Mrs. Weasley. I don't believe that you have done anything wrong. I know that you have been nothing but supportive and caring for your daughter. Please understand that this is something that she'll have to deal with in her own way."

"How can you say that? It's not your daughter that has gone gallivanting to God knows where, without any proper goodbye," Mrs. Weasley exclaimed.

"Oh please understand me; she has not done this to hurt you. You know that she loves you all very much. Please just give her some time and I know that she'll come around," Hermione begged, and when Mrs. Weasley remained quiet she continued, "And I know where she is by the way, and you can always send an owl, they always find the person they're looking for wherever they are!"

"You know where she went? Thank heavens, we can go get her back."

"Well I sort of made a promise not to tell anyone," Hermione whispered, and when she saw the almost angry face on Mrs. Weasley she hurried to say, "Please don't make me break my promise to her, I could never do that. Please."

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