Grey Clouds

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CHAPTER 5. Grey clouds

Life at the Burrow went back to normal in the next couple of days. Harry still stayed there every night, wanting to spend as much time as possible with Ginny. Ginny began wondering what she wanted to do once the summer holidays were over; she had received her final N.E.W.T. scores and had done quite well. She had been thinking about training to become a Healer, she felt really good about helping people. But after everything that had happened in the last month she needed some more time to decide. Her mother supported her in this and assured her that she could stay at the Burrow for as long as she needed.

Ginny and Harry were spending a lot of time together; whenever Harry was not at Quidditch practice, they would be somewhere around the Burrow. They would sit and talk about various things sometimes Ginny would open up about what had happened that day and how she felt about the whole thing. Harry was very happy that she did this and every time he would try and be encouraging so she would keep opening up more and more.

On July 31st Harry woke up with a start as he suddenly felt something heavy plop down on him. As he tried to get his bearings without his glasses on, he could make out the shape of a giggling redhead lying halfway across his upper body.

"Morning, birthday boy," Ginny whispered in his ear and kissed him on the cheek, and then she lifted herself a bit so she could look down at him.

"Mm, what a nice way to be woken up," Harry smiled. "But don't I get a proper birthday kiss, I mean it's not every day a bloke turns 18 and happens to have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world laying in his bed."

Even without his glasses on Harry could see that Ginny blushed deeply and tried hard to hide it. When she had composed herself a bit she looked him straight in the eyes and smirked at him.

"Well, since you're obviously just trying to butter me up I don't think that remark will earn you any kiss, my dear Harry." And then she quickly jumped off his bed and walked towards the door.

Even though Harry had just woken up he was still able to quickly get out of bed and reached his cheeky girlfriend before she reached the door. Ginny squealed with surprise when she was suddenly grabbed from behind.

"Oh no, you don't get away that easy, Miss. Weasley. You don't just walk out on me without giving me a proper birthday kiss. Don't I deserve a birthday kiss?" Harry asked, and holding her tight against himself.

Ginny managed to turn around in his arms and tried to put on a stern face, at which she failed miserably and with a giggle, she said, "Who says that you deserve anything?"

Harry just raised one eyebrow and gave her a lopsided smile, which made her feel like she was looking at a self-satisfied cat that just caught the mouse. Without a word Harry bent down and let his lips linger on her mouth, not moving them at all. Ginny moaned in response, wishing that he would do more. When she raised her hands in his hair, Harry yielded to her request and opened his mouth to hers.

They were both so lost in each other that they never heard Ron enter the room.

"Hey! Knock it off, you two! Mum's waiting for the birthday boy to arrive at the breakfast table, so you two better get yourself together and head down there."

"Oh Ron, you're such a spoilsport. Can't a girl give her super handsome boyfriend a good and proper birthday kiss?" Ginny huffed.

Harry turned away, trying to hide the blush that crept up his neck. There was no need for Ron to see that.

"Okay Gin, that is way too much information. I don't need to hear what you think of my best mate. Just get down before mum comes up here to get you two." With that, Ron turned around and walked downstairs.

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