Even More Happy Times

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EPILOGUE: Even more Happy Times

(Set five years after Harry and Ginny's wedding.)

Harry Potter lay deep in his sleep on a beautiful late summer morning. Suddenly, his peaceful slumber was interrupted when two almost-four-year-old twins jumped on him. Both were wide awake and filled with energy.

"Daddy, daddy, get up, get up, we are hungry," one twin yelled and bounced on his dad's stomach.

"Get off me James, why don't you wake up mummy?" Harry grumbled and tried to pull his sheet over his head so he could get some more sleep.

"Daddy, you're so funny, I'm not James, I'm Sirius," Sirius giggled and shared a knowing look with his identical twin brother. Even their dad sometimes could not tell them apart.

"And we're not allowed to wake mummy. She needs to sleep because she has a baby in her belly. You know that" James joined in, and helped his brother to pull the sheet away from their dad.

Yes, Harry knew that Ginny carried their third child, it was the reason he was so tired this morning. Ginny had woken up in the middle of the night with pains; Harry had been worried that something was wrong with the baby. But Ginny assured him that everything was okay and that is had only been false contractions. Then she had gone back to sleep. But Harry had not been able to sleep right away, because he had been thinking about their new baby and how wonderful it would be to have another child in the house.

"It's a bit too late to not wake me up you two, with all the noise you're making you could wake up the dead," Ginny spoke out and awkwardly tried to sit up. Harry was wide awake once he heard the voice of his wife and then helped her sit more comfortably.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asked and kissed her gently. Both twins giggled when they saw their parents kiss.

"I'm fine Harry, nothing to worry about. As far as the midwife can tell we still have almost two weeks before our baby will come." Ginny squeezed her husband's hand affectionately and then turned to her two boys.

"Don't I get a good morning kiss from you boys, too?"

Then both twins jumped into their mother's arms and kissed her on each cheek.

"Okay boys, why don't we men go downstairs and make breakfast and then mummy can get herself ready," Harry said and got out of bed and pulled on a robe.

Both boys gladly jumped down from the bed and followed their father into the kitchen. Then they all made breakfast and the boys also made the table. They were almost done when Ginny walked into the kitchen. She smiled when she saw her husband standing by the stove with one twin on each side standing on a stool. They were eager to help their father with the breakfast.

"Hey boys, is the breakfast ready?" Ginny asked and walked over and peeked around Harry's shoulder. Harry turned around and hugged his wife and let a gentle hand caress her swollen stomach. He was ecstatic over the new life they had created together.

"I love you," he whispered in Ginny's ear.

"I love you too," Ginny whispered back and kissed him.

Then, the little family sat together and ate breakfast. When everyone had had their fill Ginny said, "Okay, now the boys can help me do the dishes while daddy gets ready to go to practice."

"I don't need to go, you know, I could stay here, just in case something happens. I don't want anything to happen to you or the baby."

Harry had almost forgotten that he had Quidditch practice this morning. He didn't want to leave Ginny all alone with just the boys. What if something happened while he was gone?

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