chapter six

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"Merry Christmas!" I heard a voice scream before I felt someone jump onto my bed. I opened my eyes and saw the shaggy blond hair of my brother hanging over his face.

"Oh my gosh what are you doing here!" I screamed sitting up and hugging my older brother. It had been 4 weeks since I got back from his beach house and I was told he wasn't able to make it home for Christmas but clearly my family was planning a surprise.

"Well, why wouldn't I want to spend Christmas with my family, come on let's go downstairs and have breakfast so we can open our presents!" He cheered like a 5 year old before jumping up and picking me up onto his back and piggy backing my down the stairs.

"Merry Christmas!" I said jumping of his back and running to hug my parents.

"Merry Christmas." They both replied returning my hug.

"Let's go open some presents!" Ivan cheered jumping off the couch and running to your red and white decorated tree. "Here mum this ones for you!" He smiled giving he a hug as he gave it to her. She carefully unwrapped the present trying not to rip it revealing a new cook book, my Mum absolutely loved cooking and she made such good food.

"Thankyou so much Ivan!" She said hugging him again. "Who's next?"

"I wanna give mine to dad!" I said excitedly picking up his present from under the tree. It continued like this until there was nothing left under the tree. 

I looked at my range of presents sitting in front of me, I got two polo shirts, a pair of jodhpurs, a pair of leather gloves, a helmet cover, some clothes, a new grooming kit (I'd lost half of my other one) and a 2 matching tack sets, a superman one and a blue and white striped each set had a saddle pad, 4 polo wraps and a bonnet which were so cute.

"We still have two presents left!" My mum said standing up "but they're in Dad's office." We all stood up and followed my Mum to my Dad's office we followed her in and the first thing I saw was a shiny new surfboard leaning against the wall it had blue waves at the end of it an I immediately turned around to Ivan pointing at it excitedly.

"No!" He said examining it with his eyes wide.

"Yes." My dad said smiling.

"Thankyou so much!" He said excitedly.

"Merry Christmas." My Mum smiled before pulling me around the corner. I gasped when I saw what was before me, sitting on the back of Dad's chair was a brand new dressage saddle.

"Thankyou so much!" I said running to it and feeling it's soft leather sides.

"We knew you wanted to get on to the eventing team at Oakwood and your Grandma recommended a dressage saddle because you only have a jumping one so we got one! And also as a bonus to make sure you get on to the team for the next 4 weeks until school starts you have 2 dressage lessons a week just to make sure your dressage as good as your jumping because we know you've got that under your belt!" He smiled.

"Thank you so so so much!" I said grinning.

"Ok well you guys better get yourselves dressed we're going to Grandma's for lunch." My Mum said shewing us out of Dad's office.

"Will I be able to ride?" I asked looking at her hopefully.

"Maybe but bring your riding clothes in a bag I don't think the rest of the family will appreciate you coming in jodhpurs and riding boots." She replied with a grin on her face.

"Ok" I smiled running upstairs to my room. I got changed into a pairs of jeans and a red and white Aztec print jumper before putting my hair in two braids and throwing on a Santa hat. I got a bag out of my closet and put in a red long-sleeved polo shirt and grey jodhpurs grabbing my boots and helmet on the way outside I put it all in the car and then went inside grabbing my new saddle and carefully putting it into the boot making sure that the cover was on properly so nothing would scratch it.


"Merry Christmas!" My Grandma says handing Josie my 2 year old cousin the final present from under the tree. We'd had lunch which was delicious and we were almost finished the presents. Josie ripped of the paper gleefully with a bit of help from my auntie and took out two stuffed horses that neighed when you squeezed their hoof, she giggled in delight when my Auntie showed her how it worked. Josie had already taken a great liking to horses and I couldn't wait until she was old enough to start riding. She had already walked around on Nelly my Grandma's little Shetland mare.

"Wait I forgot dear Kailey's present, for this one we're going to need to go outside." Everyone stood outside and we began to follow Grandma to the stables.

"Merry Christmas dear." She said stopping in front of a stable, I turned around and felt tears come to my eyes when I saw what was there. A sign was outside the stable saying 'Merry Christmas!' I covered my mouth and began to cry opening the stable door and hugging Gizmo who stood there quietly with a little Santa hat on.

"Is this real?" I asked my Grandma lifting my head out of Gizmo's mane.

"Yep he's all yours!" She smiled pure joy on her face."But you do realise this comes with responsibility I expect you here every day to feed him, and do his rugs, I'm not doing any of that anymore." My Grandma said seriously.

"Well of course not." I gushed unable to wipe the smile of my face. "Thankyou so much Grandma this is the best present I could've ever asked for!" I said rushing out of Gizmo's stable to hug her.

"Well with you going to Oakwood and everything I thought it was a good idea." My eyes widened at the mention of Oakwood, I looked over at my parents.

"I got in?" I asked excitedly.

"Yes you did! Congratulations honey!" My Mum cheered along with the rest of my aunties, uncles and cousins who were watching.

"This is the best day ever!" I smiled contently.


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