A Postcard And A Bowl Of Rice

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"Dears, another postcard is here from your uncles!" Jackie, Mabel and Dipper's mother, yelled from down the hall.
Mabel and Dipper sprung up,
scrambling down the hall.

They skidded to a stop right before tripping on their baby brother, Vix.
The child giggled and crawled away, the pair went into the kitchen, practically skipping along the way. "Here you go loves, don't fight. Dinner will be ready in thirty minutes." Jackie murmurs, focused on the noodles. She slides the postcard over to them, and continues.

"I get to read it first."
"We can read it together, Mabel."

They go back to their room and sit down on the beanbags. Dipper sittings in his green one and Mabel in her black one.

Mabel clears her throat and begins to speak.

    "Dear Mabel and Dipper,
We have returned to the Mystery Shack, Stanley has taken back ownership and made Sues the co-owner,
we have made renovations so that we can all live in the shack. There are now three singles, and two doubles. I sleep in the
first room, Stanley in his master, Sues in one of doubles, his mother rooming with him. You two can take the other double. If you wish to live with us, or just visit.
We have a new roommate,
keep an open mind, okay? We'll see you soon, or not.


The twins blink, and then break out into giddy smiles. "Did I hear that right? We can move in?" Dipper asks, his body shaking with excitement, Mabel nods and starts giggling. "We're gonna live with our Grunkle Stans! We gotta tell mom!" Mabel squeals, she runs into the kitchen, her mother looks up and smiles. "Hello, if you're here for dinner, it's got another ten minutes on it!" She says, her teeth sparkling.

"No, actually Mom, we're going to live with our Grunkle Stans! Can you believe it?"
Mabel says exasperatedly, her mother's eyes pop open and she whips around.

"Live with your Uncles? Why?"

"We haven't seen them in years, plus we're adults, we have cars and we both have at home jobs, so we don't have to leave!"

"I guess I can't stop you, just... promise to call me every week?"

"Of course Mom."

"Obviously, we couldn't live without our Mum!"

Mabel and Dipper rush to their mother and hug her, Jackie chuckles and hugs them back, tears brimming her big, bright green eyes. "Call your Father, tell him what you're gonna do,
alright? Now, I'm going to get the noodles and rice."

The twins grin at each other and hug.
"This is gonna be amazing, Dipper!
I wonder if we'll be able to sleep in our old room, if it's still there atleast."

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