A Shooting Star and Pine Tree

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Me and Dipper woke up to the sound of our alarm clocks in our home.
Deciding to visit mother again, we set off to find a goodbye present.

"Dipper, remember when my braces were taken off, and I started singing, "This Girl Is on Fire"? And she started to sing along?"
I ask, looking down the aisle in search of the perfect gift.
"Yes? Why though?"
"Let's get her the CD."
"My gosh Mabel, no."
"Mhm, yes."

We left the store with some bathing suits, sunscreen, and pink shaded heart shades, obviously for me.
And mother's present.
A "This Girl Is On Fire" CD. He could never win the argument, I do Journalism Politics.
Of course I would win.

We reach mum's condo and step inside, the smell of waffles hitting our noses.
"Oh, Mabel and Dipper, how you guys doing?" I look over to our stepmother;
Breanna Autumn, our mother had known she was bisexual at a young age, and found my biological father. They got married
and had us.

But, not all good things last forever.
     John, our Father, had been caught
for embezzlement of our mother's savings.
We had just left Gravity Falls and didn't know what was going on.
Our mother had explained it to us,
and all I could do was punch walls in anger that I couldn't see that our father was the one who had put us in financial downfall.
Dipper, had just looked at her and walked into his room.

"Hey Autumama! Anything happen at work yesterday?" I ask, my pearly teeth widening into a smile.
"Oh not much, but there's a new coworker,
his names Jasston. Pretty weird; but you guys have seen all kinds of weird right?"
She replies, a chuckle escaping her lips.
"Yep, anyways, where's mum?"
"Oh, she's in your brother's room,
finally got the bugger to calm down.
I don't know how she does it.. whenever I try to put him to bed, he either spits at me or throws anything around him."
We shrug and walk, "Hey Dip Dip? Do you think the gnomes are still there?"


"And the unicorns?"


"And the dinosaurs inside the maple?"

"I don't know about that one,
the maple was melting, but perhaps Uncle Ford fixed it up?"

I nod and we reach the baby blue door, I push down the handle and push open the door. Our mother was closing the curtains and looked over her shoulder.
"Mabel, Dipper? What are you doing here?"
  She whispers.
"We got you a goodbye present,
we wanted to surprise you."
Dipper voices, his eyes darting to the bag on my back.
I slip it off and set it on the floor.
I reach my hand inside and show her the CD. "Oh. Oh my God! Thank you! I love it, come here you sweethearts." She whisper yells, we creep over to her, CD in hand, and give it to her. She takes it and hugs us, she whispers in our ear, "I love you." We hug tighter and let go. We wave, and walk to our cars.

  We have finally reached Gravity Falls! Oh God, I'm so excited!
We hop out of our car, and run to the shack.
"Wait, wait, Dipper! Lets play a prank!"
He sighs and nods,
I whisper the plan into his ear, and he smirks and chuckles.
"God, Mabel, that's gonna have Uncle Stan on his toes."
I yell, deepening my voice.
We hear a muffled, "shit, Stanford get my guns" me and Dipper look at each other and we yelled at the same time,
"It's us Grunkle Stan! Don't get the guns, please!"

The door creaks open, and there he was.
Grunkle Stan in all his glory.
He was wearing the sweater I made him before I left Gravity Falls. He had black jeans on, and was holding a spatula.
"Kids...?" He says, silent tears falling down his face. He rushes towards us and squeezes us with his man strength
   "Hi, Uncle Stan! I missed you... I'll also never say that again." Dipper wheezes out, smiling nonetheless. "Yep! I made you a new sweater! It's better than thirteen year old me." I giggle, he lets us go and pulls us in the house. "Ford! The kids are here!"
  We hear a clatter, and running footsteps, Grunkle Ford turns the corner; almost slipping. "Dipper, Mabel!" He rushes forward and embraces us.
  "Come, come! We have pancakes cooking!" He says, we all walk towards the kitchen. I laugh at the burnt pancakes, but then I look at the one who was making them. "Ah, Shooting Star! Pine Tree."
   Too fast for the human eye, Dipper jumps forward and whips out his pocket knife and holds it to his throat. "Bill. Uncle Ford, what's he doing here?" He seethes, I look towards them with a glare. "You know that postcard we sent you? Bill is our.. new roommate. Don't get mad?"

"Don't get mad? Don't get mad! Uncle Ford I am fuming, but... why is he here?"

"We found his statue while we were out in the woods.
Looking for the gnomes.. and we stumbled upon it. And my brother not thinking, told me to shake his hand.. and I did, and this happened."

  He blinks and pulls the knife off. "Alright Bill, but if you so much as make a hint of harming us,
I will hurt you in any way possible.
Are we clear?"

  "Sure, but I still don't think you can hurt me, even if I'm in this pathetic human form." Bill says with a smirk, I'm not gonna lie, kinda attractive. "Glad you think that way, Shooting Star." My face heats up and I storm out of the room. I march up to our old room, and sit on the dusty mattress.
I groan and fall backwards and start to mumble. "Stupid Triangle... no boundaries... who does he think he is." Mumbles like that. "Well, well, Shooting Star. Look who grew up!" I gasp and shoot up. "Bill! What are you doing here!" I scowl, and look towards the window. "Now, that isn't a way to talk to a God."

"You're no God, Bill. You're a demon."

"An attractive one atleast, isn't that right?"

"Oh my goodness.. never go inside my head again!"

"No promises, Mabel."
My name rolls off his tongue perfectly.


  "No promises, Mabel." I say, I run a hand through my yellow blonde hair and smirk.
  What a cutie, her long brown hair was pulled into a braid, and she got rid of what the humans call, 'braces'.
  She had a large chest I've noticed, possibly a double D? She was wearing a black sweater crop top with some strawberry pink shorts.
  Absolutely delicious.
"Stop checking me out, Triangle."
I look back up at her and see her scowling face. So cute, I could just imprison her.
        "I have no idea what you're talking about, Shooting Star."
I say, obviously lying through my teeth.
She huffs and turns around, she had a rather large buttocks... no matter, I get what I want. "I don't want to look at you, now leave, Cipher." She says, my name sounds perfect coming from her lips, I chuckle and snap my fingers. I reappear in the kitchen and see the Pines Brothers at the table talking in hushed tones. "Ah, Bill! We need to set some... rules. Number one, no going into the twins rooms unaccompanied, who knows what'll happen, number two; no cooking without supervision. Number three; absolutely no magic! Only use it when there's an emergency, and we're not here." Twin number two says, otherwise known as Stanley , I nod but speak. "I understand Grunkle Stan. But I'm not a child incapable of doing anything slightly hard, for my sake, I almost dominated your dimension. Quite fun."
   Stanley's face turns into a grimace.
"One more rule, don't call me Grunkle, that's Mabel's privilege." I grin and nod once more. "Say Sixie, is Mabel single?"


"Just a question."

"Yes, yes she is."

  I grin wider and walk out of the room and
stroll towards my room. I open the door with my magic, heh. I'm already breaking rules. I flip on the light switch and look around the empty room. It had a oak shelf filled with human knowledge,
a white bed for what is known as, 'sleep'.
And a single lamp. I flip the light switch off and take off my shoes. I change my clothes into a plain blue shirt, and sweatpants.
   I trudge over to the bed, my mind groggy and slow. I dive under the covers and close my eyes. 'Sleep' enveloping me.

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