Plums and Citrus Tea

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That's all that anybody could do, just sit around in boredom while the heat of summer sits on the verge of just deciding to boil everybody's blood until they died from exhaustion. Luckily for Mabel, she had friends she hadn't seen in years.
Deciding whether or not to visit them, she comes to a verdict. Sitting up from the wooden chair in the kitchen, she walks to the fridge and takes a water bottle, and strolls towards Dipper.
"Hey Dipper, want to come with me to Candy and Greta's?" Mabel asks happily, Dipper looks over to here and sighs, getting up, he responds, "I have nothing else to do, now where are they, we can take my car."
The woman smiles happily, and walks towards the door, opening it, she walks out into the blistering heat. "You know we can take my car? Yours doesn't have AC."
She says, sweat already dripping from her face. "I would, but your car is filthy, too many wrappers and smile dip." He replies, a halfhearted grin on his clean shaven face.

Walking towards the red SUV, they climb in and sit down on the covered seats.
"By the way, I know that you took my chocolate when we left for Gravity Falls."
Mabel says, interrupting the comfortable silence. "You know about that?" He chuckles nervously.
"Think I wouldn't notice?"
She comments, sass in her voice.
Turning on the car, Dipper backs out of his spot next to the shacks gift shop doors.
Mabel rolls down the windows, and starts taking gulps of the water. "Jesus, Mabel, are you that dehydrated?" He chortles, some of his dark brown hair falling on his face. Mabel grins slightly, but pretends to be annoyed. "What do you expect, it's like, one-hundred and twelve degrees!" She groans, her mouth upturned into a full grin.

The girl watched the town pass, getting lost in old memories. "Can you put on alternative?" She speaks, her eyes darting to him before looking back to the buildings that were rapidly moving away from her chocolate eyes. A song comes on, and she instantly recognizes it, it's by Mumford & Sons, the track was "I Will Wait For You." Humming along, Mabel starts to quietly sing. Dipper looks over at his sister and smiles. They finally reach Candy and Grenda's house, it was a small country house with flowers grown all over the front yard. The pair walk up the stony and mossy steps, knocking on the door, Mabel smiles eagerly.

The door opens up, and a woman with red hair and an hourglass figure with blue eyes stood there. She was wearing a pink shirt and blue jorts. "Grenda? Is that you?" Mabel says, her eyes widening in surprise. "In the flesh, God, I haven't seen you in years! How are you?" She says, her deep voice now two octaves higher than when she was a kid.
"I'm doing good, how are you? And how did you lose all that weight? And are those biceps I see?" Mabel responds, her eyes on Grenda in awe. "Good, why don't you come in? We have tea and cake, then I can answer your questions." Grenda says eagerly. She ushers the two inside of her home filled with paints and sketches thrown around, Grenda then sits down on a chair painted with flowers.

Moments later, a woman with black hair and oval glasses walked into the room.
"Candy! What's up girl?" Candy looks up and runs towards Mabel, engulfing her in a hug.

(Part two soon)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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