*~(chapter 1)~*

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Maddie's POV

hey guys please give me feed back on my first chapter thank you!


I woke up happy and excited, for school mostly because today was Friday and tomorrow was going to be my time off stressing and ripping my hair out because of stupid projects, homework, and classes. Saturday meant partying and spending quality time with my best friend, today was the day that I could actually live my life out of school.

I lived in the crowded streets of New York City, today was a sunny day beautiful as ever with clear skies and no chance of any rainfall. After a mental debate I decided that today I would sleep in and not have to stress another weekend of hell with more homework. Then I rushed downstairs I might have wanted to sleep but I wanted breakfast in other words, I wanted food.

As soon as I walked down the stairs I smelled the most delicious smell of human kind known as bacon. As soon as I smelled the mouth watering bacon I instantly started drooling. Then I tumbled down with four legs against my body.

"Buster stop! That tickles!" I said to buster, my huge dog almost the same height as me.

After I had spoken buster stopped licking my face and backed up, I swear he is the cutest dog ever. Most people would have been scared of buster at first sight but he was super kind and sweet as ever. Then it hit me, mom is cooking, who died? When mom was cooking or cleaning the house or anything that involved work something was up.

"Honey, I need to talk to you."

"Ok mom."

She handed me the most beautifully cooked mouth watering bacon and I was drooling all over it before I shoved a strip of bacon in my mouth.

"Well I need you to move out well becau-"

I jaw nearly reached the cold hard dreadful floor. I felt as if there was a stinging pain in my chest, I felt like my mom had just betrayed me by wanting me out. The funny thing is that I almost spit out my bacon but it tasted to good to throw away perfectly good food.

"Mom but I'm still in my senior year and I barley have the money to move into anything!"

"Ok honey I get it but your eighteen now plus I found you a perfect house and it's cheap."

"Mom why? I don't want to-"

"No!" "you're moving out your a legally an adult and your bags are upstairs!"

I stomped upstairs feeling betrayed by my own mother, how could she do this too me?

I grabbed my suitcase that was a dark pinkish purple color and snatched a leash hanging from my bedroom door. As soon as i reached the kitchen I put the leash on buster, then mom handed me a sticky note with the address to my new house. I went out of the house ignoring my mother's goodbye, realizing that I was still in my pajamas which was a plain back tank top and shorts. I shrugged I guess nobody would know the difference.

I walked up to the sidewalk making sure buster was by my side so he wouldn't run into the busy crowded streets, I called a taxi until one stopped right in front of me almost running me over. I threw the door open and buster climbed in before I sat down on the leather seats.

"Where do you want me to take you?" A middle aged man with black gelled hair and high cheekbones asked me.

I handed him a sticky note, then before I could say "stop" he sped off in the blink of an eye. The car ride was short, giving me enough to think.

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