Chapter 32: Escape

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I woke up. Not sure where I was but definitely not at the base or anywhere close. Sideswipe sat on the edge of the bed. 'What happened? Where are we?' I tried to sit up but he pushed me down. 'I had to make a stop. There's a bad storm and you were losing a lot of blood. I had to improvise and I puked three times. Your wound smells like rotten flesh, infection, and poop maybe? I don't know, I am not an expert,' he muttered. 'Seriously? Is this supposed to make me feel better? What do you mean, poop? My bowel didn't rapture, my wound did,' I snapped. 'Uh, yeah... sure.' He got up and paced around. 'I am sorry. I am in pain.'
'I know. The storm will calm down in about 30 minutes,' he sighed and sat back down. 'I am scared.'

He cupped my cheek. 'It'll be alright. I am here now.' He flashed me a smile and thumped my cheek softly. 'Don't cry,' he added quietly. 'It's just... everything.' He hushed news and smiled wryly. 'Don't be afraid... don't talk.' He pressed his forehead against mine. I laid my hand on his cheek. 'I knew you would find me.' He smiled weakly. 'It's gonna be okay. Ratchet will help you.' I gave a small nod and closed my eyes for a moment. 'Don't fall asleep. I need you to stay away.' He shook me softly. 'I am so tired, Sideswipe.'

'I know, but you can't sleep. You can sleep at the base and I will pamper you, but please... stay away for me.' I opened my eyes. 'Pamper me?' I whispered. 'Yeah, you did for me when I was in your world... only fair I return it.' I smiled. 'Your brother...' his smile faded. 'What's the matter with him?' He asked. 'Don't forget about him... don't forget that... he needs love too. He needs attention too.' He sat down on the edge again. 'Of course, I would.'

I raised a brow. 'He's not here to fight along your side. It implies he's mad. He never leaves your side, especially not in battle. He loves you too much. What happened? What did you say?'
'I—' he sighed and looked down. 'My brothers found you cool. Please give your brother a chance. I know he's not like my brothers, but he does have a spark. If you piss him off, your brother and I might start off on the wrong foot. He will be jealous and I don't want that. Your brother must come in the first place. He's your family and they always come first. I could've come with you, but I chose my family above you because you only have one. Don't waste it...'

Sideswipe sighed and nodded. 'Yeah, you're right,' he muttered. 'He's a good mech.' He smiled softly. 'Yeah, he is. I will make it up to him as soon as we get back. I am sorry.'
'Don't apologize to me...' He tenderly kissed my head. 'Wish you could meet him in different circumstances,' he added quietly. I smiled wryly. Sideswipe stayed with me and I must've fallen asleep. When I woke up, I was in a completely different room. White ceiling, bright light, and a lot of soft beeping noise coming from my left. I blinked. It looks much like a hospital room.

I looked at my arms. Infuses. Sideswipe must have made it to the base or I got worse and he was forced to visit a hospital. The said mech walked in ten minutes later. 'You're awake!' He hugged me tightly but carefully. 'Gosh, you got no idea how worried I was. I thought you were going to die.' I mustered a smile on my face but I felt like shit. Nauseous mostly. 'Give that bucket.' He reached to it and I snitched it out of his hands. He jumped back. 'I think I am going to search for Ratchet. Hold on.' He turned and walked off.
Now I had my confirmation. I am at the base.

Ratchet and Sideswipe came in shortly after my second wave of puke. While Sideswipe halted by the door, Ratchet didn't. 'I will give you something against nausea. I did expect you to feel like shit though.' I watched him. 'Thanks for saving my life.'
'You're not out of the woods yet. You got Energon in your system which is lethal to humans. That you're not dead doesn't necessarily mean it's a good sign. I will keep you here under close observation.' I nodded. He connected the syringe to the infuse. 'This will work quickly.'

'I am Skylar by the way.'

'I know... he can't stop talking about you.' Sideswipe finally came closer. 'Yup. You got no idea how happy I am you're here. You scared me to death though. You're never allowed to open a door again, got it? Every time you do, you end up in trouble.' I huffed. 'Do you think you can get the Energon out of my system?'
'No. It's everywhere, but you can learn how to live with it.' I frowned. 'What do you mean?' A worried frown spread over my face. 'If your body excepts the Energon, you will keep needing it to make sure you keep functioning. There isn't much research about humans and Energon for obvious reasons so this is quite new. I took some blood and run some tests. It looks good. The Energon is attached to your cells. They heal your injuries, make sure you don't get sick, and also that you don't age. Your body is changing and adjusting to the Energon. Maybe you will even be resisted our lethal air on Cybertron, who knows... everything will get better. Your hearing, your vision, your feeling, even your taste buds. You will be more aware of your surrounding but that doesn't necessarily have to be a good sign. We can lower our audio or turn it harder and you can't. So, you need live with what you get eventually.'

'But it'll be just fine.'

Sideswipe waved his hand. 'You're gonna be fine, I promise.' I hummed softly. The mech kissed my cheek. Ratchet room the bucket from me. 'Keep an eye on her, got it?' Sideswipe nodded furiously. 'A nurse will check up on you every half hour.' The medic walked off. 'Have you made it up yet to your twin?' He nodded. 'Yeah, he accepted my apology.' I sighed in relief. 'Good.'

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