Chapter 10

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                                                   The One with A Complication (PART 10)

Your Bedroom

"I hate lying to everyone, Juggy." You stood from the spot where you and Jughead sat on your bed, crossing the room to stand in front of your bedroom window. "We should tell them the truth; I think they'd be more supportive than we think.""I know, and we will, but I kind of like the secrecy of it all," Jughead admitted, shrugging off his jacket and tossing it onto the bed before joining you by the window. "It eludes to some sort of greater mystery that's bigger than either one of us, just waiting for someone to figure it out and be solved once and for all. It's exciting, and yes, mysterious. And you know I love a good mystery.""Then I should probably tell you, Veronica already knows," You clamped your teeth together, wincing as you waited to hear what Jughead had to say about that."You told her?""No, she sorts of figured it out at Pop's the other day," You explained. "Apparently it really wasn't that hard of a mystery to crack. I guess it has something to do with the way you look at me or some other sentimental garbage like that.""Oh, really?" Jughead raised one eyebrow, taking a step closer to place a gentle hand on your arm. "Well, what about when I do this? Do you think this would give us away?"Leaning in close, Jughead brushed his lips across the smooth skin on the side of your neck, kissing it softly before pulling back to meet your gaze with an amused grin."Uh, yeah, I think that would definitely blow our cover," you giggled, your hand flying up to cover your mouth and hiding the rosy pink color creeping onto your cheeks."What about this?" In one quick motion, Jughead maneuvered one hand behind your back to steady you, and used the other to tickle your side before you could dodge him."Juggy, you know I start convulsing like I'm having some type of weird muscle spasm when you do that!" You shrieked, jumping back from his embrace and fleeing to the other side of the room."Then you better not let me catch you," Jughead warned, his lips quirking up into a devilish smirk as he waited for you to make a move."Get away from me!" you darted for your bed, leaning across it to snatch a pillow from the massive pile at the top of the mattress. Without looking, you launched the pillow across the room in Jughead's general direction. It missed your target completely, nearly knocking your grandmother's antique desk lamp off your bedside table."(YOUR NAME), you're terrible at instigating pillow fights," Jughead teased, glancing back to watch the teetering lamp shake in protest."Oh yeah?" You taunted, reaching for another pillow and holding it out as you prepared to chuck it at him once more. "How do you like this?"Once again, the pillow missed Jughead, flying past him to smack the window with enough force to knock the curtains out of the way and let the light come pouring into the bedroom."Like I said," Jughead smirked. "Terrible."With a defeated sigh, you held up your hands in surrender to show Jughead that you wanted a truce and slowly crossed the room to stand in front of him by the now-open window."Well, lucky for you," You began, reaching your arms around his neck and leaning in close. "I'm better at other things.""Really?" Jughead challenged, his gaze dropping to your lips. "Prove it."Archie's Bedroom"Thanks again for letting me borrow your history book, Archie." Kevin said as he unzipped his backpack and shoved the thick textbook deep into his bag. "I would have asked (YOUR NAME), but she's not answering her phone. Plus, her mother scares me more than that girl with the terribly unconditioned hair from that scary movie you guys made me watch last week.""Trust me, she scares me too. Well, Mrs. (YOUR MOTHERES NAME), not the girl from the Ring," Archie assured him, glancing up from the sheet music on his desk to smile at Kevin from across the room. "And it's no problem. I don't have that test until Friday anyway. Just drop it by when you're done, or find me at school sometime this week.""Will do," Kevin nodded, spinning around to face the guitar propped against the side of Archie's nightstand."Hey, how's the whole music thing going by the way? Any hope that you'll become the next Elvis Presley and need a very handsome, very helpful, assistant to guide you through the perilous lifestyle of being a world-renowned pop-star?""Uh, let's hope not," Archie scoffed, tossing his pencil onto his desk and turning in his chair to face the window. "And it's going well, I just need to-"Archie stopped suddenly, rising from his chair to make his way over to the window. With furrowed brows, he leaned forward, squinting through the glass to look through your open window next door."What is it?" Kevin asked curiously, his voice rising in excitement at the promise of juicy gossip. "Uh oh, did you catch one of the neighbors in their underwear again? Ew, was it Mr. Jacobson from across the street with that weird hair condition?""I thought I saw..." Archie trailed off, shaking his head, sure that he was just seeing things."Wait, isn't that (YOUR NAME) room?" Kevin leaned into the glass, cupping his hands to see past the glare from the sun. "Why is there a ladder leading up to her window?""That's Jughead's jacket on her bed," Archie muttered, his head swimming with a hundred different thoughts and mixed emotions.A moment later, an object hitting your window caused the curtains to fall open, revealing a very giggly (YOUR NAME) sauntering across the room to stand in front of Jughead. Before either Kevin or Archie could react, Jughead leaned forward to meet your lips with a kiss."Holy hot and sarcastic Romeo and Juliet," Kevin muttered, his eyes going wide at the sight of their two friends sharing such an intimate embrace. "Don't hate me, but I kind of love it.""I have to go," Archie mumbled under his breath, pushing back from the window and heading for his open bedroom door."Archie, what are you doing?" Kevin hurried after him, already putting two and two together as he heard Archie's footsteps pounding through the kitchen. "Don't go over there!"Before Kevin could stop him, Archie swung open the front door and quickly made his way over to your house."Archie!" Kevin called out to him, but he was already too far away to hear anything he was saying. "Well, things just got One Tree Hill-level of dramatic around here. And on the day, I decided to wear the loafers that give me blisters. Great. Wait for me, Archie!"

The One with A Complication (JUGHEAD X READER X ARCHIE)Where stories live. Discover now