A place for him

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After both you and tank showered, the both of you climbed into his bed and held each other close.

"Thank you for letting me borrow some clothes"

"Of course love, I wouldn't just let you walk around naked" you giggled and moved your hand to hold his.


"Yes love"

"Why do you keep calling me love?" He didn't answer, he only looked at you and softly kissed your lips.  He avoided your question and instead asked you a question.

"Do you need to head home anytime soon?" You didn't wanna leave but you need to get back to your house, to your life. You nodded your head.

"I'll drive you to your place tomorrow"

"Can I come back over afterwards?.." tank shifted to hold eye contact with you, he smiled and leaned close to your ear.

"Of course" he whispered into your ear, it sent shivers all through your body, and butterfly's in your stomach.

Tank moved to turn off his lamp and set an alarm, he returned to holding you in his strong arms.

"Goodnight love"

"Goodnight tank"


Tanks alarm went off at 8 am, playing a one direction song. Tank sat up and put some sweat pants on, he handed you some of his shorts.

"I'll go make some breakfast" you nodded and he left the room.

You fell back into the bed and smiled to yourself, you could feel butterfly's in your stomach, and warmth in your heart. You dreaded having to go back to your house because you wanted to spend all your time with tank.

After breakfast the two of you put regular clothes on and headed to your house. You gave him your address and told him where to park.  Once at your house, you led tank to your front door, you didn't live in a huge house, it was 2 bed and 2 bath.
You didn't have a roommate so you used the spare room as a office. You unlocked your front door and let tank in.

"I'll just need 10 minutes top" tank nodded and started to explore your house.

You walked into your room and found a old backpack, you started packing your stuff, clothes, toiletries, and something lacy.

You went over to your dresser and pulled out a pair of lacy black underwear, and a top that went with it.
You made sure tank wasn't in your room before shoving it into the backpack.

You left your room and went into your bathroom, you collected all of your stuff, and put them into your backpack. You reminded yourself to go tank some better body wash and face wash.

Leaving your bathroom, you saw tank looking at stuff in your living room, he had his hands behind his back as he scanned over pictures and trinkets.

"I'm ready to go" he turned away from your stuff to look at you, you got butterflies and he smiled and looked you up and down.

"You know.. maybe we could just stay here for the night" confusion covered you face, why would he drive you here, let you pack up, just for him to wanna stay the night.

"We could, if you really want to" still confused, you sat your bag down, and walked over to tank.
He smiled and held your hips in his large hands.
"Why thought?" Tank answered you by pulling you in for a kiss. You moaned into the kiss and let tank pull you to your bedroom.

Tank shut your bedroom door and led you to your bed, he slowly pushed you back onto the bed and felt your body from your chest, to your hips, to your thighs.
Tank admired your body, looking you up and down as you watched his movements. He slid your shirt up, just below your chest, he kissed your stomach and left soft marks behind each time.

You sat up a little and slid your own shirt off, exposing your chest for him to mark up. Tank took off his boots and shirt, tossing them next to your door.

You both stripped of your clothes, leaving marks and kisses along the way, before tank pinned you down and got to work.

Your wrists were above your head, being held by one on tanks hands. He kissed down your body till he reached your thighs, he kissed them slowly, making sure to leave marks along then.

The both of you didn't worry about protection, the only thing you had on your mind was him, and how bad you wanted him.

Tank slid off your underwear as he came up to kiss your lips. He led his right hand down and led circular motions, causing you to arch your back.
You moaned out his name quietly as he kept going faster and faster.

"Tank please" you mumbled,  "I need you"

Your beg pushed tank farther, he entered two fingers slowly, curving them as he pumped in and out.
You started breathing heavier and heavier, softly moaning out his name.

Tank removed his fingers and kissed you softly.

"Are you ready?" You've never nodded your head quicker.

Tank lined himself up with your entrance and slowly pushed himself in, you tensed up, he was bigger than you were used to.

"Relax love" he kissed your neck and pushed himself deeper. You slowly relaxed as he started to move.
He was slow at first, but he started to pick up the pace.


"What was that my love"

"Please... faster, harder"

Tank heard you loud and clear, he started moving faster and faster, harder and harder.
You couldn't hold any thing in, you let your noises out.

"Tank.. please.. faster" he sat you up so he could push into you better. You bit down on his shoulder and your moans were muffled. You bit down so hard his shoulder had teeth marks and started to bleed, but you both liked it.

Tank knew you were at your edge when you bit down so hard on his shoulder, and tore your nails into his back. You both came near the same time, you pulled your teeth from his skin, as he came inside you.

He pulled out and softly let you lay back, he flopped down next to you, and held you in his arms.

You had marks covering your body, from your jaw, to your thighs. Tanks shoulder dripped blood, not a lot, but enough for you to notice.

"Sorry about that"

"No no, it's alright love... I like it" he kissed your lips and started to play with your hair, telling you how much he loved you.

You slowly fell asleep to tanks soft loving words.


An: anyways... can one of y'all tell me how to have sex with clothes on cause Chile... I can't-

Anyways I hope y'all liked this chapter, I don't ever write smut or even fan fiction to begin with so... 👁👄👁

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