Anakin and padme

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The air felt stuffy and dry, you sat up slowly, you were groggy and your head was pounding. You reached to your phone and almost called tank before you remembered what happened the night before. You felt tears about to fall down your face till you rubbed them away.

You got up from your bed, and over to your mirror, you looked ROUGH. You let out a deep sigh and decided to shower. The hot water soothed you for almost an hour till you noticed how pruny your hands were.

You chose to put pajamas back on, soft pants and a silk tank top. You reached for you phone and headphones, deciding music might make you feel better. You smiled breakfast, you didn't have an appetite at this time, you just sat on your couch and scrolled through twitter while your music blared through your ears.

You were about to get up and go back to bed, till you saw a car park in your drive way, it was riots. Your spirits went up a little when you saw he leaving his car, a blanket in his strong arms. He knocked on the door three times, you waited a couple seconds before answering so you didn't seem like you were waiting for him. When you did answer the door, riot gave you a sympathetic smile.

"Hey.. you okay" you quickly let him in, shutting and locking the door behind him.

"Yeah I'm... Ive been better"

"I understand... I'm sorry that happened, I really am" this has happened before, with you and tank.

"I'll be okay... I promise" his face screamed pity.

"Here, it's not much but it might help" he handed you a green blanket, you took it gratefully.

"So.. how about we do something you like" an idea crossed you mind but you decided now wasn't the time. You instead took riots wrist and pulled him to your room. You got your tv remote and old DVDs, riot sat on your bed and watched you carefully. Since he wanted to do something you liked, you picked to watch Star Wars (hehe 🙈)

Once the movie started up, you snuggled up close to riot, he moved his dreads from your face, and pulled you in to his side.

"Which one is this?"


"Like which episode, I feel like there's so many" you giggled at his joke, you were starting to feel a little better.

"It's the third episode, revenge of the Sith"

"Ooohh ok ok" riot was quiet for the rest of the movie, he only gasped when it got to the ending. You didn't think riot would like it so much, but you guessed wrong.

"So what did you think?"

"It was good, I wouldn't mind watching more" you softly smiled and looked up at him. Riot turned from the end credits to you, his smile dimmed as he looked from your eyes to your lips.

Before you knew it, riot and you were kissing softly. It was nice, it felt right. Riot cupped your cheek as the two of you kissed, when you pulled away, you saw a soft blush on his cheeks. You smiled and went in for another kiss before riot stopped you.

"What about tank?" You felt a little guilty... but he broke up with you.

"We're over... he ended things between us" riot looked a little surprised but that look ended when you kissed him again. He was gentle, very gentle.

Riot started to push you softly onto your back, letting himself hover over you. He was soft with his touch, sending goosebumps down your arms. Riot let go of the kiss and looked you up and down, you felt your cheeks heating up.

"I won't pressure you into anything, we don't have to continue" You softly nodded, sitting up and slowly wrapping your arms around his neck, he did the same but around your waist. He leaned back into your bed, you were laying on top on him, your head on his chest where you could hear his heartbeat.

Riot traced shapes up and down you back, sending shivers down your spine.

"It's gonna be okay" you fell asleep to his soft heartbeat and the shapes he left on your back.


The next chapter might be a lil 🥴🥴 if you know what I mean.

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